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Griefed! :(
Just logged on to find my farm has had a massive wall of lava and cactus built straight through the middle of it...it also goes within about 20 blocks of the wall of my base...

There are a number of signs put up saying if I break or remove any part of the wall it will be classed as griefing and I will be banned? Considering this has been built through the middle of an area that has obviously been cleared by myself for my farm, dosent that mean I have been griefed myself? Please see link for screen shots below:

Also, this wall passes within about 20 blocks of the wall of my base, and then continues to surround it within a similar distance also seen in the screenshots above. Signs are all along it again stating if I remove it I will be banned?

Is there any staff/admins who could help me here at all? Not sure who has done this, or what action I can take to get this removed?

Coordinates for my base and the relevant area are: X=5435, Y=66, Z=6612

Thanks in advance!


(PS: As I went there to get the coords, spotted a cobblestone wall also appeared, and more stone wall has appeared to the south since! Huh )
One of the most prominent places to try and get help for grief would be to go to the discord server and to type a message in the get-help channel, if you cannot do that message a staff ingame, you can ask in chat or do /list admin /list mod or /list guardian to see if any staff are on, and fo clarification this does sound like you've been griefed. Lava is a tricky thing to get removed, but Im sure a staff would happily take care of it for you!
Great Googley-Moogley. Um...yeeeeeeeah. Thanks for the report, lemme see what I can do.
(02-20-2019, 05:04 AM)GreyRarity Wrote: Just logged on to find my farm has had a massive wall of lava and cactus built straight through the middle of it...it also goes within about 20 blocks of the wall of my base...

There are a number of signs put up saying if I break or remove any part of the wall it will be classed as griefing and I will be banned? Considering this has been built through the middle of an area that has obviously been cleared by myself for my farm, dosent that mean I have been griefed myself? Please see link for screen shots below:

Also, this wall passes within about 20 blocks of the wall of my base, and then continues to surround it within a similar distance also seen in the screenshots above. Signs are all along it again stating if I remove it I will be banned?

Is there any staff/admins who could help me here at all? Not sure who has done this, or what action I can take to get this removed?

Coordinates for my base and the relevant area are: X=5435, Y=66, Z=6612

Thanks in advance!


(PS: As I went there to get the coords, spotted a cobblestone wall also appeared, and more stone wall has appeared to the south since! Huh )

The Great Wall of Grief has been removed.  You may have to do some tidying up of your farm.
Hi Ambular,

Thanks for your reply, just had a quick look, I see what you mean! Not a problem though!

Your help is very much appreciated, thanks!

Also thanks for your reply Anonymouse, I’ve never used discord to be honest but I’ll bear it in mind for the future!

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