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Banned from Hometown
Just today I had learned that I was banned for griefing on the Hometown Server, my MC username is meowcat213, (It's written like that btw) to be honest, I don't exactly know who banned me. I only know that it seems that I griefed TheOnlyKat. I know it was wrong to do such thing and you shouldn't do it at all costs, I understand my reason for being banned and to be honest, I wish to be able to go on the Hometown server once again because it was the only server I loved to be on the most, I never actually got bored there and I had so many goals I was shooting for, I understand my consequences right now and also understand if you refuse to let me back into the server, however if you will let me back, I promise I will never break any of the rules, nor will I ever grief again. Thank you for reading this.
                                                                                                                            - Meowcat213
you can't take trash out of the oven
[Image: UvdzAjN.png]

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