03-23-2016, 05:26 AM
Server you were banned on (SMP): smp.hometownmc.com
Minecraft name: TropicHD
Reason for your ban: X-Ray Modding
Who banned you: Grimm_Wolfe
Why should you be unbanned: For starters, I fully understand that X-Ray modding is very wrong and against the server rules. I will never EVER X-Ray on any server ever again, I swear. I think I could help other new players that join the server, as your community helped me when I joined. I felt very welcomed when I joined, and want to do that for other players as well. I actually donated after I got banned (my fault I know), and would like to get a refund, or be unbanned
. It would make me so happy if you would do that for me. Don't think I'm lying when I say these things, I'm not. It would make me very happy if you unbanned me, I really miss playing on this server, and its all gone. Please have an open mind on my thread and please respond! 
Why do you want to come back: This server has an amazing 10/10 Staff and Community, that helped me with commands about the server when I first joined. This is an aspect of a server that you don't really see often in the minecraft community. The plugins this server has to offer are great fun. The pstone feature is very unique to the factions plugins on all the other servers. My friends really enjoy playing on this server as I did, and I want to share that experience with them. I am very sad that I cannot play on this server with my mates, and they're progressing without me. It's very difficult to find a server with the same fun experience I had on that server. These words I'm spewing out of my mouth are not lies, I mean every single word written here to the full extent, I really want to come back!
Minecraft name: TropicHD
Reason for your ban: X-Ray Modding
Who banned you: Grimm_Wolfe
Why should you be unbanned: For starters, I fully understand that X-Ray modding is very wrong and against the server rules. I will never EVER X-Ray on any server ever again, I swear. I think I could help other new players that join the server, as your community helped me when I joined. I felt very welcomed when I joined, and want to do that for other players as well. I actually donated after I got banned (my fault I know), and would like to get a refund, or be unbanned

Why do you want to come back: This server has an amazing 10/10 Staff and Community, that helped me with commands about the server when I first joined. This is an aspect of a server that you don't really see often in the minecraft community. The plugins this server has to offer are great fun. The pstone feature is very unique to the factions plugins on all the other servers. My friends really enjoy playing on this server as I did, and I want to share that experience with them. I am very sad that I cannot play on this server with my mates, and they're progressing without me. It's very difficult to find a server with the same fun experience I had on that server. These words I'm spewing out of my mouth are not lies, I mean every single word written here to the full extent, I really want to come back!