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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP I think (thats the one minecraft server, right?)

Minecraft name: failedartkid

Reason for your ban: Stealing four diamond blocks/griefing

Who banned you: Illogical

Why should you be unbanned: I personally believe that I should be unbanned because, while I make poor choices some times, I don't do them out of malice and I can learn from my mistakes. While I have a previous ban on my record for stealing diamond blocks, my reasoning in this scenario is that I assumed that the wolf near the build belonged to the owner, and after checking /seen and their name it said they were banned. I made the wrong assumption in this situation, and I've learned to ask more questions.

Why do you want to come back: I want to come back because hometown is a genuinely fun and positive server. It gives me a chance to build and use an economy without dealing with griefers and other problems. This server has been a calming presence, and I'm willing to do anything to be allowed back. The joy it gives me is worth all the in-game cash in my account.
I have also read over the full list of rules on the forum, and see that I violated rule 1.B. Having this clarification will help me refrain from committing infractions in the future, and I have also familiarized myself with all other rules.

(I just wanted to add this note since I know that it's something I should've read over before beginning playing on the server again, and it'll help if I am allowed back into the server)
Sincerely, me
So, this is your second ban for the same offense, which makes things a bit more difficult. On top of being the rank of Member, you have already had experience with this and should know better.
That being said, you are being given the chance to appeal, however, you will need to put effort in, I believe you are being honest and didn't do this maliciously, but it's very clear in our rules and is mentioned quite a few times every day in chat that taking things from unclaimed areas even of banned players isn't allowed.

As this is your second offense, I'm gonna need at least 2-3 sentences for each of these questions

Is modifying player-made structures allowed without explicit permission allowed, even if the player is banned or inactive? (and why or why not)

Why did you steal diamond blocks?

Why is stealing expensive items bad, how does it effect other players and the economy?

What have you learned from this experience?

Where can you go to refresh your memory on our rules and why is it important to do so?

Is modifying player-made structures allowed without explicit permission allowed, even if the player is banned or inactive? (and why or why not) It is not allowed because players may come back, and on top of that if a player is unbanned, they will not want to find their property stolen.

Why did you steal diamond blocks?
I stole them because I was in need of new diamond weapons, and I made an inncorrect assumption about the rules after a year of having been inactive on the server.
Why is stealing expensive items bad, how does it effect other players and the economy?
It's bad because it costs whoever it's stolen from money to replace said items. It effects the economy by giving an unfair boost of money to people who aren't actually working to improve the world and participate in buying and selling.
What have you learned from this experience?
I have learned to 1. review rules more frequently 2.Not steal anything, even from inactive or banned players and 3. To try and be a role model for other players, given I am a member
Where can you go to refresh your memory on our rules and why is it important to do so?
The Hometown rules section thread, and it's important to do so because it serves as a reminder for what not to do in the server. The rules exist for a reason, and they make the overall experience more fun for everyone.

On a separate note, while my first offense was similar, It wasn't the exact same. It doesn't excuse my actions, but I hope it does show that I learned from my first offense, even if I made a new mistake. I'm sincerely sorry, and I'll do better in the future.
Sincerely, me
Alright, thank you for responding. So, verdict is you will be unbanned, I do however feel the need to mention my concerns.

I do believe your sincerity in your statement that this was not done with malicious intent, and that you intend to improve. It is a bit hard for me to understand how playing for a long period of time you wouldn't have noticed the answer about the questions 'can I build on this person's land if they're banned' and similar questions that are asked by new players almost daily and have been able to apply them to this situation.
I also do not want you being let back to be mistaken for this being acceptable behavior, which I'm sure you understand, but other people might not and just be like 'oh if I get banned I'll just get let back in'.
Along that line, as this is your second ban, if you are banned a third time, the likelyhood of you being allowed to appeal is very slim.

If you're unsure about if something is allowed, ask us, we're always happy to answer questions.
You will need to return the diamond blocks or anything you made from them to me or another staff member when you log on
You have been unbanned

Welcome back to hometown!

I have unjailed failedartkid and got 3 diamond pickaxes, 1 diamond sword, & 25 diamonds from them.

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