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Merry Christmas everyone!
How was your guys' Christmas this year? Also if you have any Christmas Stories to share, feel free to share them here :3
Mine was pretty cool. In the spirit of Las Vegas, I gambled. And lost a few hundred bucks.
Also met family I've never met before.
And my uncle decided to moon my great grandmother in the middle of the living room. May or may not have been alcohol involved xD
Then we played the jelly bean game. For those of you who don't know, we had a mixture of good and bad tasting jelly beans, and two people choose a color and eat it until one of them hit a bad one. I lost against my grandpa. ><
Soo what about you guys?
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Mine was fairly uneventful, but I got a jar of olives as a present, so that made it pretty damn great.
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My Christmas was pretty good! My mum had wrapped up a box and put lots of presents inside but I thought it was going to only be one present :')
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12-27-2015, 10:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-27-2015, 10:15 AM by Arayvek.)
That's pretty cool

I got some unexpected presents as well
My uncle told a story about how one year at Christmas he kept filling up my great grandmother's wine glass. Every time she got up, he made sure her wine glass was full. Then at the end of the night she was so confused as to why she was so wasted because she "only had one glass". Yeah, about seven times, xD
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mine was such cool, we went to the our cousins house with all food and presents, and spent it there. first we were only chattin` about the year, and then we ate the first meal. after that, we plaid couple board games such as monopoly. after that, we ate the main meal, which tasted such good, cuz I, made part of it. then we opened all those presents. i got a new phone and few chests to my collection, and the most softest thing in the world: a blanket. (my cat approves, it is soft) after that we played role games while most of the family left, but my family stayed until midnight. then we just drove home, and i slept 12 hours.pretty good! (also the christmas, not only the sleep)
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I had a awesome christmas, My family like my parents and siblings do our presents christmas eve and then do all the presents from the rest of our massive family on christmas day after having a whopping great turkey and loads of food

DD. On christmas eve I got a ps4 although I kind of paid like 140$ of it and my dad paid the other 80$, Its freaking awesome I have fallout 4, Just cause 3, Knack, COD Adv warfare and loads of other games.. so yeh. umm I got some fallout 4 socks and a poster! And I got some other random cool gifts.
Then on christmas day! ohh the awesomeness, I got a massive lego technic because that shit is awesome. I got more ps4 games, I got a wooden flying pig thatruns on solar power, Its like a mini RC plane it actually fly's and stuff. I also got a HDMI switch from my uncle and a Ethernet Switch from my nan. The HDMI lets me plug all of my devices into my Moniter through it. Then with a handy remote control I can switch between ps3,ps4 and PC! The ethernet switch just made the internet in the cable coming from the wall go to all the other ethernet cables I had plugged in to it, then to all my devices!
So yeh, freaking awesome
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My Christmas went very well, but when we were eating our Christmas dinner my granma said to my great granma that the food on her plate looks a lot. So my great grandma says keep your nose out of it! Your always saying that, just leave me alone. I was like o.o.
Anyway, there are some great stories in this thread!
Thanks for reading my post :3
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My Christmas was lovely. My mom and I cooked up a storm and then proceeded to eat it with my brother and dad. I felt like I wouldn't need to eat for an eternity, but here I am eating again. Everyone seemed to like the present I got them which was great, and I got some thoughtful gifts too

. Most of which was cash being honest, since I'm hard to shop for. However, those that did try did succeed. Glad everyone seemed to have a great Christmas too!
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my christmas consisted of waking up at 5 am, and opening some small presents from close family members while watching the florida sunrise :333
(my christmas present was going to florida))
we ate alot of food, it was good af
also i lOV beAN booZlED that jelly bean game is aMazIng
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I always get the worst jelly beans when I play D: