03-06-2021, 08:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-08-2021, 10:58 AM by Maximus_Tom.)
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP
Minecraft name: Maximus_Tom
Reason for your ban: Vanilla glitch x-ray, using someone else's name without permission, and pushing Reaper_DN away at /warp hg
Who banned you: melaniebeedot
Why should you be unbanned: To be frankly honest, you have no reason to unban me, but I will make an effort to complete this section.
1. Vanilla x-ray exploit via the composter piston glitch: Originally, I was just looking for caves to light up near my mob farm. I admit to mining a few ores (I did not find any diamonds), but when questioned, I voluntarily voided everything. Mel gave me a warning, and that was that. I did not use any packs or hacks, although a vanilla exploit is still bannable, so that is still wrong for me to do. I understand the strict guidelines with X-Raying, so it would not surprise me if this in particular gets me perm banned. It is unfair to other players because it is an unfair advantage with caving/mining, so I could get things easily, while others have to grind for hours.
2. Using someone else's name without permission: I have some history with this one, mainly with using Mel's name on items and other stuff. The day following the X-Ray incident, I first used /nick to use TheReem93's name, although I changed it to NotTheReem93. I then stupidly proceeded to /nick as Notmelaniebeedot, and Mel was kinda irritated with me. (rightfully) She removed my /nick, then said that if I ever did it again, I would be banned. I did not do that again. It is wrong to use someone else's name without their permission because it may make them uncomfortable and upset.
3. Pushing Reaper_DN out of the way at /warp hg: This one has got to take the cake for dumbest thing I did. I was already on thin ice after the X-Ray and the name incidents, but I still, for some idiotic reason or another, pushed Reap out of the way at his own warp while he was AFKing. It was rude, and unacceptable. I am deeply apologetic to Reap and anyone else who was negatively affected by this. It could have cost Reap hours of AFK loot.
Why do you want to come back: I really like this server, and I have done so much on it. My best friend also plays on HomeTown, so I want to be able to play with him.
Minecraft name: Maximus_Tom
Reason for your ban: Vanilla glitch x-ray, using someone else's name without permission, and pushing Reaper_DN away at /warp hg
Who banned you: melaniebeedot
Why should you be unbanned: To be frankly honest, you have no reason to unban me, but I will make an effort to complete this section.
1. Vanilla x-ray exploit via the composter piston glitch: Originally, I was just looking for caves to light up near my mob farm. I admit to mining a few ores (I did not find any diamonds), but when questioned, I voluntarily voided everything. Mel gave me a warning, and that was that. I did not use any packs or hacks, although a vanilla exploit is still bannable, so that is still wrong for me to do. I understand the strict guidelines with X-Raying, so it would not surprise me if this in particular gets me perm banned. It is unfair to other players because it is an unfair advantage with caving/mining, so I could get things easily, while others have to grind for hours.
2. Using someone else's name without permission: I have some history with this one, mainly with using Mel's name on items and other stuff. The day following the X-Ray incident, I first used /nick to use TheReem93's name, although I changed it to NotTheReem93. I then stupidly proceeded to /nick as Notmelaniebeedot, and Mel was kinda irritated with me. (rightfully) She removed my /nick, then said that if I ever did it again, I would be banned. I did not do that again. It is wrong to use someone else's name without their permission because it may make them uncomfortable and upset.
3. Pushing Reaper_DN out of the way at /warp hg: This one has got to take the cake for dumbest thing I did. I was already on thin ice after the X-Ray and the name incidents, but I still, for some idiotic reason or another, pushed Reap out of the way at his own warp while he was AFKing. It was rude, and unacceptable. I am deeply apologetic to Reap and anyone else who was negatively affected by this. It could have cost Reap hours of AFK loot.
Why do you want to come back: I really like this server, and I have done so much on it. My best friend also plays on HomeTown, so I want to be able to play with him.
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