04-13-2021, 12:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-21-2024, 10:37 AM by melaniebeedot.
Edit Reason: edited #2 and #3 of required information to state ''x y z''
Noob Hut Removal Request Thread
Have you ever found the perfect piece of land to build on, and perhaps even begun to build, and then discovered a tiny shack, a noob hut, a minimal effort little wood plank box, or part of the foundation of a house that was begun by a player who seemingly never returned to the server, and your plans for a grand base are now hopelessly foiled due to the 100-block rule?
Fear not, for we the staff team have finally decided to implement a protocol for removal of these builds that are cluttering up prime real estate for no reason!
If you have one such "piece of work" near your base and would like it to be considered for removal by staff then you may post a New Reply on this thread and make your request.
The build in question might be eligible for consideration if it meets one or more of the following guidelines:
1. 10x10 or smaller
2. Minimal effort invested, primitive materials used e.g. dirt, wood planks, cobblestone
3. Unfinished foundations e.g. floor/no floor, walls/partial walls, no roof/partial roof
4. If the player is banned, they must have been offline for minimum 3 months
5. If the player is not banned, they must have been offline for minimum 6 months
To determine who the build belongs to, you could ask an Expert+ to use /co i and see if there are any block logs, or, if there is anything locked with a magical spell, e.g. chest, furnace, door, use /cinfo to find out who it belongs to. Then you can /seen the player and see how long they have been offline.
Here is an example of an eligible build:
10x10, primitive materials, unfinished foundation inside (no floor), not banned, offline >1 year
![[Image: w4Nlla9.png]](https://i.imgur.com/w4Nlla9.png)
Here is another example of eligible build(s):
smaller than 10x10, primitive materials, unfinished foundation, not banned, offline 8+ months
![[Image: T9o8iAX.png]](https://i.imgur.com/T9o8iAX.png)
Builds that are not eligible for removal could include (but are not limited to):
1. Completed builds larger than 10x10
2. Full bases of players that have been offline several months
3. Some noob huts are markers for underground bases
Here is an example of not eligible:
build(s) are complete and larger than 10x10, considered an established base regardless of primitive materials used
![[Image: 5x4UL5w.png]](https://i.imgur.com/5x4UL5w.png)
To put in a request to have a build considered for staff removal, please post a New Reply to this thread with the following information:
1. your in game name
2. the coordinates of the build in question: x y z worldname
3. the coordinates of the part of your base that is closest to the build in question: x y z
4. the name of the player who owns the build in question (if known)
**Disclaimer: Staff have the final say as to whether or not a build is eligible, regardless of the above guidelines.
**Disclaimer: Staff reserve the right to add to or clarify these guidelines as needed for precision and understanding.