07-28-2021, 11:56 PM
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): The Discord
Minecraft name: FormalTroll
Reason for your ban: My brother got Ip banned In the Discord server to I'm guesing
Who banned you: No clue sorry Can't help you there
Why should you be unbanned: I've been unbanned, but I didn't know I was also banned on the Discord server.
Why do you want to come back: Because I have no clue what I'm doing on the Minecraft server and It'll help to have people to ask.
Minecraft name: FormalTroll
Reason for your ban: My brother got Ip banned In the Discord server to I'm guesing
Who banned you: No clue sorry Can't help you there
Why should you be unbanned: I've been unbanned, but I didn't know I was also banned on the Discord server.
Why do you want to come back: Because I have no clue what I'm doing on the Minecraft server and It'll help to have people to ask.