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02-08-2022, 04:25 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-08-2022, 06:39 AM by CheezyWheezy0.)
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): (smp)
Minecraft name: cheezywheezy0
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): X-ray banned
Who banned you: TheDutyPaid
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?):
I believe that I was falsely banned. I have never downloaded anything that had X-ray. The closest I've ever gotten was a couple of weeks ago. I was playing on the server and had badlion client on, and things were loading slowly. It was basically like X-ray, but I couldn't see diamonds and ores and such. I quickly switched to vanilla Minecraft due to this. Other than that scenario, I can't think of why I may have been banned. If you may have noticed suspicious mining patterns, that is only because I like to mine in random directions, thinking of how shocking it would be if there were actually diamonds there. Also, when mining I attempt to cover as much space as possible without mining tons and tons of blocks, so I mine in no pattern but branch off and go somewhere else if I'm not having any luck. (P.S. sorry if some of this doesn't make sense. It's a little hard to explain.)
Why do you want to come back:
Hometown has become sort of a comfort place to me. All the members are so friendly. The cozy feeling this server provides is like no other. Logging on and seeing the ban message shocked me, to say the least.
To whoever may read this, I wish you a lovely day.
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I was asked to look at your diamond breaks by another member of staff, who had concerns.
There are lots of factors to take into account before we ban a player and especially for X-Ray.
This is the first issue I found, your mining is in blue and existing tunnels are shown in red. Here this shows you mining straight down and across, then going down a players tunnel, then mining into the wall and down to a pocket of diamonds.
Now I know you say you have a random mining style but here we see just a wall, where you mine into for a pocket of diamond.
Then to the right another wall of deepslate, which you mine into again for another pocket of diamonds. Not random but targeted mining.
Not random or just luck but to me x-ray.
So would you like to change your appeal in any way or should we continue?
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02-08-2022, 07:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-08-2022, 07:56 AM by CheezyWheezy0.)
May I ask the time these were mined? EST. (My memory is a bit foggy)
If these were indeed mined by me on my account, this was INSANE luck. I likely decided to keep mining from the area of the diamonds I found and came across yet another diamond vein soon after. My luck with diamonds throughout that mining trip was not the best other than that exact circumstance.
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This is the area from the second picture, taken a few minutes ago.
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02-08-2022, 08:47 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-08-2022, 09:16 AM by CheezyWheezy0.)
I am rather confused by this. I have never used X-ray and never will. I am too dumb to know how to download an X-ray client. The insane luck must have just led you to believe that I did. It breaks my heart to know that I will never return to this server, but it looks like I have no way to convince you that I did not use X-ray. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night, and I apologize for taking your time. Goodbye, Hometown. Thank you. If I am able to find any further evidence that I did not use X-ray, I will show you immediately.
I may have found something. When I mined from the area where I found diamonds, I mined in that direction because I was looking for the giant caves that spawn in 1.18. I had done this with many other diamond pockets I found during that trip (Found the diamonds, started mining in one direction to find a cave). In this scenario, I just so happened to find another pocket of diamonds. In the first image you showed, I did not know a player-made tunnel was already there. I had just started my second of the 2 mining trips I had made (I believe) and came across the already mined area. Back when I would mine in the nether, I'd usually mine near already-mined spots when I would come across them because it would be funny if there was netherite/ancient debris so close to where someone else was mining. I chose to do the same here, and to my surprise, I found diamonds. I then went on to go back through the mined area and continue from where the person left off (Or started mining from that mined area, I forget). I know how strict this server is with X-raying. I've seen the signs that tell me not to X-ray millions of times. While I am aware that people do X-ray (Which I do not understand), I am not one of them. I want to earn my money fairly, not by being lazy and installing a hack just so I can find some digital shiny blue rocks. Thank you for your time.
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02-08-2022, 07:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-08-2022, 07:24 PM by TheDutyPaid.)
You say "I am too dumb to know how to download an X-ray client"
but first
"I was playing on the server and had badlion client on"
Strange turnaround in statements.
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02-09-2022, 03:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-09-2022, 03:06 AM by CheezyWheezy0.)
When I downloaded badlion, it took me 2 YouTube tutorials and an hour and a half to figure out how. I’m very bad with installing things that are more advanced than a couple of clicks. You can ask a couple of irl friends I have that happen to be in the discord about my status with X-ray if you’d like. (YelloXD, IceDogLucas). I earned every last diamond I found fairly, no cheats, glitches, or anything else of the sort. The last thing I want getting me permanently banned is my own luck. The closest thing I have to a “cheat” on my computer is an auto clicker that I rarely ever use now. I do also apologize for this argument. I did not intend for it to go on so long.
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I have been looking at just your tunnels.
Here you mine from left to right in a straight line with a few level changes, The area is quite void of any other caves.
When you get within draw distance of the cave on the right. You then change level again.
Then you turn right and mine towards to cave, to near on the closes part to you.
Now this on its own would be seen as luck but with the other examples I have shown, is a worry.
Other staff members have been following this post and done their own investigations and have come to the same conclusions as me.
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I swear to god I do not have xray. This is all a series of coincidences that added up to an incorrect conclusion. I can not find a way to prove that I do not and never have had x-ray, but if you could tell me how I can prove myself I would be most grateful. Also, You do not have any concrete evidence that I do have X-ray. This is all conclusions. I know saying all of this I sound immature and disrespectful but I do not intend to. I do not like being the one to complain and beg. I never used Xray. I'm trying to tell you and it won't get you to understand. I just want to be back on the server. I never did a thing, and I will go as far as sending you a picture of all of my files in my downloads folder and in my recycling bin to prove my point.
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Now lets go back a bit, as far as I can see you have not explained this.
This was already in a large cave, no one else had mined in the area, and you was not continuing or did not continue mining.
You mined into a wall of deep slate right in front of diamonds, mined the diamonds and then to another patch of diamonds.
Now I have started lots of tunnels and have been very lucky but I have never stopped moved only a few blocks and started mining again and then been really lucky