Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Life Sentance on Discord, SMP, and IP.
Minecraft name: DuckMeister
Reason for your ban: being a nuisance, trolling, trolling on the discord, but in general causing a ruckus.
Who banned you: Katherine Nips
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Because I have been away from the server for a long time, I learned my lesson. I commited the crime and did the time. I donated a lot to the server when I was in good standing, and think that should be considered in this appeal as well. Along with the amount of time I devoted to a bunch of my builds. I do wish to come back to play on the server, and would like a second chance.
Why do you want to come back: I genuinely would like to come back on for some good wholesome fun without causing any disturbances or being a troll anymore.
Thank you for your consideration.
Minecraft name: DuckMeister
Reason for your ban: being a nuisance, trolling, trolling on the discord, but in general causing a ruckus.
Who banned you: Katherine Nips
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Because I have been away from the server for a long time, I learned my lesson. I commited the crime and did the time. I donated a lot to the server when I was in good standing, and think that should be considered in this appeal as well. Along with the amount of time I devoted to a bunch of my builds. I do wish to come back to play on the server, and would like a second chance.
Why do you want to come back: I genuinely would like to come back on for some good wholesome fun without causing any disturbances or being a troll anymore.
Thank you for your consideration.