Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Hometown (
Minecraft name: GabySoto99
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Griefing
Who banned you: ThatOneWolfe
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): This was my first time playing on this server. I was playing with a friend and we didn't know that taking blocks that were in the middle of the forest was considered griefing. I thought it only applied to if the place was claimed, or the person was there or if there was a chest with things inside. I feel really bad for the person I took and destroyed their structure! If you let me come back I promise I can give him back his blocks and even help him/her build their structure back.
Why do you want to come back: I really enjoyed this server. My friend and I searched for a long time for somewhere we could find a place to build some really cool things and interact with equally cool people. I promise this will NEVER happen again.
Thank you for taking my appeal into consideration.
Minecraft name: GabySoto99
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Griefing
Who banned you: ThatOneWolfe
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): This was my first time playing on this server. I was playing with a friend and we didn't know that taking blocks that were in the middle of the forest was considered griefing. I thought it only applied to if the place was claimed, or the person was there or if there was a chest with things inside. I feel really bad for the person I took and destroyed their structure! If you let me come back I promise I can give him back his blocks and even help him/her build their structure back.
Why do you want to come back: I really enjoyed this server. My friend and I searched for a long time for somewhere we could find a place to build some really cool things and interact with equally cool people. I promise this will NEVER happen again.

Thank you for taking my appeal into consideration.