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Mirenthiral Improved Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown

Minecraft name: Mirenthiral

Reason for your ban: <Spamming> I was banned because I dident follow the warning signs from the staff, It was late and I was tired, therefore I wasent paying much attention to the chat.. if the spam was because I was just talking to nobody then I can explain.. I was talking to my skype mates on the server..

Who banned you: Vilneas

Why should you be unbanned: I wanted to be unbanned because allthough I was really tired last night I had alot of fun and the community is great, I am really sorry I caused a little spam. Is it really worth getting rid of a happy player just because of a little spam at 4am when not many people were online. Once again Im very sorry, I put alot less effort into my last appeal because it was 5am and I was in a rush to do something before my dad woke up.

Why do you want to come back: I truly want to play on this server because its got a brilliant community and no lagg, its not really something I want to give up on.. You can take my word on the fact. I will follow guidelines in the future and try my hardest not to break your rules, once again Im so sorry.
what you were banned for was trolling the server, not spamming as you state. this appeal is better and i will hold you too your word. if you step out of line again it will be your last, we do not tolerate repeat offenders at all. you have been unbanned, welcome back to HomeTown.
[Image: rIcAAht.png?1]

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