Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP.Hometownmc.com
Minecraft name: iintex
Reason for your ban: “Use of x-ray to find dungeons. Banned by TheDutyPaid LyingStar”
Who banned you: “TheDutyPaid and LyingStar”
Why should you be unbanned: I believe this was a unjustifiable ban and a lack of evidence to truly suggest that I was actually X-Raying, this admin “TheDutyPaid” banned me off my words which were “I hope when I relog my fake xray is still there” which I was referring to how the blocks glitched and could be picked up but still appear infront of me so when I walked in you could see caves around you aka the term fake xray, I would also like to add as well when I asked staff about this and just told me it was a visual glitch and continue mining farther and farther (which didn’t work) so I continued but relogged since the fake xray is impossible to actually even use correctly.
Why do you want to come back: I finally got 1.19.3 to work at 60 frames and if I even thought about putting on a see through blocks wit lines on ores texture pack I’d literally crash, plus im trying to get big and be rich on the only well mannered SMP (since the rules are actually upheld to a high standard, lastly adding to this; if you guys don’t want to take my word for it I do apologize for this inconvenience which I never even used correctly, so as before im sorry and will take your server bug as my responsibility but I do feel as if you guys should screen-share others before banning players, Thank You for reading.
Minecraft name: iintex
Reason for your ban: “Use of x-ray to find dungeons. Banned by TheDutyPaid LyingStar”
Who banned you: “TheDutyPaid and LyingStar”
Why should you be unbanned: I believe this was a unjustifiable ban and a lack of evidence to truly suggest that I was actually X-Raying, this admin “TheDutyPaid” banned me off my words which were “I hope when I relog my fake xray is still there” which I was referring to how the blocks glitched and could be picked up but still appear infront of me so when I walked in you could see caves around you aka the term fake xray, I would also like to add as well when I asked staff about this and just told me it was a visual glitch and continue mining farther and farther (which didn’t work) so I continued but relogged since the fake xray is impossible to actually even use correctly.
Why do you want to come back: I finally got 1.19.3 to work at 60 frames and if I even thought about putting on a see through blocks wit lines on ores texture pack I’d literally crash, plus im trying to get big and be rich on the only well mannered SMP (since the rules are actually upheld to a high standard, lastly adding to this; if you guys don’t want to take my word for it I do apologize for this inconvenience which I never even used correctly, so as before im sorry and will take your server bug as my responsibility but I do feel as if you guys should screen-share others before banning players, Thank You for reading.