Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord):
Minecraft name: MRTa2911
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Griefing
Who banned you: TheDutyPaid
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?):
I am writing this appeal to request that you unban me from the SMP server. I understand that my actions of griefing other players' builds were completely unacceptable and violated the server's rules. I am deeply sorry for what I did and I take full responsibility for my actions.
I have learned from this experience and realize that my behavior was unacceptable and caused harm to the server community. I assure you that such behavior will never happen again. I have taken the time to reflect on my actions and understand that they were not only unfair to other players but also disrespectful towards the server staff who work hard to maintain a fun and fair gaming environment.
Why do you want to come back:
I would like to come back to the HometownMC server because I have made many good friends in the community and I miss playing with them. I also love the server's unique features and would like to continue exploring and building in its vast world. I understand that trust needs to be earned, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to regain the trust of the server and its staff. I hope you will consider my appeal and grant me a second chance.
Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal, and I hope to hear back from you soon.
I saw other ban appeals and I've noticed that you guys always ask questions. Here are some answers for them.
1. Grief and theft are not allowed on the server because they violate the fundamental principles of fair play and respect for other players. Griefing involves destroying, damaging, or modifying another player's constructions without their consent, which can ruin their hard work and progress on the server. Theft is also a form of griefing where players take items that belong to others without permission, thereby causing harm to the victim's gameplay experience.
2. Players are not allowed to take or break things that belong to other players, regardless of whether they are claimed or not. This is because it violates the basic principle of respect for property and ownership. Even if an item is not locked or protected, it is still considered the property of the player who placed it, and taking or breaking it without permission is against the server rules.
3. The grief that a player does can have a significant impact on the owner of the build. It can cause them frustration, anger, and disappointment as they see their hard work destroyed or damaged without any reason. Additionally, it can discourage them from continuing to play on the server or engaging with other members of the community. Griefing can undermine the sense of trust and mutual respect that is essential for creating a positive and enjoyable gaming environment for everyone involved.
Minecraft name: MRTa2911
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Griefing
Who banned you: TheDutyPaid
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?):
I am writing this appeal to request that you unban me from the SMP server. I understand that my actions of griefing other players' builds were completely unacceptable and violated the server's rules. I am deeply sorry for what I did and I take full responsibility for my actions.
I have learned from this experience and realize that my behavior was unacceptable and caused harm to the server community. I assure you that such behavior will never happen again. I have taken the time to reflect on my actions and understand that they were not only unfair to other players but also disrespectful towards the server staff who work hard to maintain a fun and fair gaming environment.
Why do you want to come back:
I would like to come back to the HometownMC server because I have made many good friends in the community and I miss playing with them. I also love the server's unique features and would like to continue exploring and building in its vast world. I understand that trust needs to be earned, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to regain the trust of the server and its staff. I hope you will consider my appeal and grant me a second chance.
Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal, and I hope to hear back from you soon.
I saw other ban appeals and I've noticed that you guys always ask questions. Here are some answers for them.
1. Grief and theft are not allowed on the server because they violate the fundamental principles of fair play and respect for other players. Griefing involves destroying, damaging, or modifying another player's constructions without their consent, which can ruin their hard work and progress on the server. Theft is also a form of griefing where players take items that belong to others without permission, thereby causing harm to the victim's gameplay experience.
2. Players are not allowed to take or break things that belong to other players, regardless of whether they are claimed or not. This is because it violates the basic principle of respect for property and ownership. Even if an item is not locked or protected, it is still considered the property of the player who placed it, and taking or breaking it without permission is against the server rules.
3. The grief that a player does can have a significant impact on the owner of the build. It can cause them frustration, anger, and disappointment as they see their hard work destroyed or damaged without any reason. Additionally, it can discourage them from continuing to play on the server or engaging with other members of the community. Griefing can undermine the sense of trust and mutual respect that is essential for creating a positive and enjoyable gaming environment for everyone involved.