Posts: 2
Threads: 1
Joined: Jul 2023
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP
Minecraft name: MadNIICK
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): griefing
Who banned you: TheDutyPaid
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Well random teleport send me to a players village. i needed food so i took some of his crops BUT replanted them. The admin saw me do it and then said its not mine i shoudnt take it - i apologized and put the crops, seeds and the spawn egg i received from voting in a crate with a sign saying sorry. next thing i see is the ban screen.
Why do you want to come back: Im still new to the server and i didnt know the rules are that strict. Also over like 20 wheat idfeel that thats really a reason for a permanent ban.
Posts: 266
Threads: 2
Joined: Dec 2019
Your ban which was not marked as permanent came about starting with “MadNIICK » i can break carpet here”
Guest [Guest] MadNIICK » kingdom trade
Admin [Admin] TheDutyPaid » why even try to break it
At this point I tp’ed to you
Guest [Guest] MadNIICK » obviously
Guest [Guest] MadNIICK » im not griefing
Guest [Guest] MadNIICK » just saying
Where I watched you break and replace carpet again.
Admin [Admin] TheDutyPaid » you are griefing
Guest [Guest] MadNIICK » i literally placed the block back
Admin [Admin] TheDutyPaid » don't go to other players builds and see if you can break stuff
Admin [Admin] TheDutyPaid » yes?
Guest [Guest] MadNIICK » just saying he didnt protect so noone griefs him
Admin [Admin] TheDutyPaid » builds do not need to be claimed
Guest [Guest] MadNIICK » well if they arent claimed people can grief them
Guest [Guest] MadNIICK » i was literally nice and letting you know
Admin [Admin] TheDutyPaid » and then they get banned
Admin [Admin] TheDutyPaid » also claims go after 200 days,
Guest [Guest] MadNIICK » well if they get caught i guess
Then you start talking about CoreProtect until you rtp to another player's build.
[Guest] MadNIICK » damn i just found the most beautiful place in the server
At this point I start to watch you, where you remove an area of wheat that was more for decoration than function. Yes you replanted but when I started to talk to you about it. You then place a chest and sign in another player's build.
Seeing as you are no stranger to servers and have been playing for 8 plus years, basic if you did not build it do not touch it, must be known?
Also why did you message another member of staff via Discord who had nothing to do with your ban?
Any rules are strict if you do not follow them, you are welcome to return if you are happy to follow the rules?
Posts: 2
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Joined: Jul 2023
Well, i will not touch other peoples stuff anymore. If you even unban me - because you where so happy to ban me i feel like you dont like me for some reason.
Its none of your business who i write what. I mentioned it while we where talking about other stuff.
Yes i am a veteran of the game (not your server!!) but most servers have their builds protected. I messaged you to let you know they forgot - how would i know that it wasnt meant to be protected? It was a public warp and i wanted to let you know so you can protect the build. Instead you where toxic to me and didnt even hear my point.
I admired the guys build and talked to other players. Dont make it seem like im talking to myself.
Yes i farmed on a farm where i got RTPd to - i replanted and then when you stalked me i placed a chest TO GIVE THE GUY HIS STUFF BACK! and a sign saying "sorry".
This whole thing was abuse of your rights and nothing else. If you dont want people playing on your server keep up the good work.
Posts: 266
Threads: 2
Joined: Dec 2019
So you are saying I am abusing my rights as server staff, stalking you, can not ask why you were asking about your ban with another staff member which is against the rules, contacting me via discord about your ban and I am toxic towards you.
No mention of an apology, regret of your actions or even arguing with me when I was trying to explain at first.
Appeal denied.