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Local Chat
Isn't it fustrating when you're trying to have a private conversation but you're too busy (or lazy) to to /r or /msg. Well then how about we make a Local chat. In local chat, you can talk to whomever is around you instead of having to put it in general chat and that backs up the chat log and makes it difficult to keep track of your own conversation. Lets give it a try people!  Smile
Would be super useful. I don't know how many times I msg the wrong person. Doing /r every time does become very repetitive and annoying. We used to have a party chat plugin where you could invite players into it and you only had to do /p to forever talk to them in chat, if you wanted to talk in main chat then you just type /p again. Frost was going to add another one a while back but not sure what happened to it. Best way to suggest something to be added is by getting support for it, like a poll and then sending it to staff but mainly frost.
The only problem I could see is that it may cause global chat to start to die as smaller communities form, that already happens of course, but it would encourage it more. Aside from that I actually really like the idea.
Would there really be a problem with global chat dying though? People talk to their friends anyways, and some of the people who would use it talk pretty much only to their friends anyways. Global chat would surely still continue anyways, with the number of players there are, though many might prefer a smaller community.
I say it sounds like a good idea.
you can't take trash out of the oven
[Image: UvdzAjN.png]
is good idea. is good. Yes, i like this. Tell staff that is good idea!

(I spelled because i wanted, dont think im retarded)
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 
maybe we should doa hybrid? have 2 different chats, 1 global, 1 local, to about 250 block radius
Your Friendly Neighborhood Clumsy Goofball Nerd

Best Playlist Ever (Always Growing):


It didn't seem to do any big damage to main chat the last time we used party chat from what I remember. The main use of a party chat is convenience for players to msg each other without doing /r every time. Party chat and local radius chat are different. Local I can see causing some issues with main chat, but party chat not much.
Didn't party chat do some other bad shit tho?
Great idea!
The main issue I could see with party chat would be that the more experienced players who have found their click would spend must of their time in /p, thus leaving most of the global chat to newer players. This is mitigated by the time zone difference and player availability however and shouldn't have a large impact. In addition, a quieter global chat would be a benefit to the server as it would reduce the number of people butting into conversations that they shouldn't and decrease the number of global chat fights hopefully.
Sorry about that whole “shooting you” thing, but I know if you look deep into your heart, which is currently all over that tree, you’ll find a way to forgive me.

[Image: GU8OFOr.png]

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