Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Smp and the Discord server-chat channel.
Minecraft username: KingSlayer24810
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Using x-ray. Zero Tolerance Policy! Banned by DiamondBlockBen. Appeal your ban at http://www.hometownmc.com/forums. It better be really good.
Who banned you: DiamondBlockBen
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I know i have x-rayed but it was for around 20 deepslate diamond ores and they where still in my inventory meaning I didn't gain anything from them, secondly I have been very active on this server excluding the last 5 days since i was on vacation without my pc so i couldn't even join it, but otherwise i grinded it all the way till a more than 5x5 chunk border, max netherite, full shulker of shulker shells and even 4 double chests full of shulker boxes. I hope this will be good for this appeal to be accepted if not i would still like to propose a offer to get rid of the x-rayed items (the 20 dias in my invetory but also for this time taking appeal, half my balance (i think around 5k). I also was playing other big server hosting platforms like minehut (no advertisement purposes) but for a while there werent any fun/great servers until a friend and I found this server, since then i havent played any other server (around like 2-3 weeks ago i joined for the first time). I am really sorry for any negative impact that i might havee caused on the players it wasn't near my intentions at all to cause any bad influence on the players and server, I really hope and would enjoy to be sure that it hasn't caused any negative influence since ofcourse my server-chat channel permissions have been taken away. If i get unbanned I promise I will do everything in my power to never cause any negative/bad impact on the server and players.
Why do you want to come back: I would really enjoy being able to to join back and be able to grind with my friends again, be able to talk to the awesome & fantasticly unqiue/special community and I would enjoy being able to grind the server more and including that i have started building so i will have a lot of fun and time for the builds to be fantastic just like a lot of towns/shops/warps of all kind of players.
I am truly, very very very sorry for all the incovience, negative impact and the mistake I made of using X-ray if this ban appeal isn't good enough to be able to play the server again, I understand and I hope the players and staff will have a good time. Thank you for reading this appeal and attempting to help me.
Minecraft username: KingSlayer24810
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Using x-ray. Zero Tolerance Policy! Banned by DiamondBlockBen. Appeal your ban at http://www.hometownmc.com/forums. It better be really good.
Who banned you: DiamondBlockBen
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I know i have x-rayed but it was for around 20 deepslate diamond ores and they where still in my inventory meaning I didn't gain anything from them, secondly I have been very active on this server excluding the last 5 days since i was on vacation without my pc so i couldn't even join it, but otherwise i grinded it all the way till a more than 5x5 chunk border, max netherite, full shulker of shulker shells and even 4 double chests full of shulker boxes. I hope this will be good for this appeal to be accepted if not i would still like to propose a offer to get rid of the x-rayed items (the 20 dias in my invetory but also for this time taking appeal, half my balance (i think around 5k). I also was playing other big server hosting platforms like minehut (no advertisement purposes) but for a while there werent any fun/great servers until a friend and I found this server, since then i havent played any other server (around like 2-3 weeks ago i joined for the first time). I am really sorry for any negative impact that i might havee caused on the players it wasn't near my intentions at all to cause any bad influence on the players and server, I really hope and would enjoy to be sure that it hasn't caused any negative influence since ofcourse my server-chat channel permissions have been taken away. If i get unbanned I promise I will do everything in my power to never cause any negative/bad impact on the server and players.

Why do you want to come back: I would really enjoy being able to to join back and be able to grind with my friends again, be able to talk to the awesome & fantasticly unqiue/special community and I would enjoy being able to grind the server more and including that i have started building so i will have a lot of fun and time for the builds to be fantastic just like a lot of towns/shops/warps of all kind of players.
I am truly, very very very sorry for all the incovience, negative impact and the mistake I made of using X-ray if this ban appeal isn't good enough to be able to play the server again, I understand and I hope the players and staff will have a good time. Thank you for reading this appeal and attempting to help me.