Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): HomeTownMC
Minecraft username: ChikitaBonita4
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Beacon Theft
Who banned you: EssayJinx
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I have re-read the rules and now clearly understand, that even if unclaimed, taking something that does not belong to me is against the server rules and for that I am sorry and learned my mistake. Because I have learned from my mistake I would hope to be graced with a second chance, it will never happen again.
Why do you want to come back: I just joined the server today and in the short amount of time I have spent on, I have gotten to see all the great qualities and activities HomeTown has to offer. I would hate to lose out on the opportunity to get to play on such a great server over a dumb mistake of mine. I would like to say again, I have learned from my mistake, and it would never happen again.
Thank you for at least taking the time to consider me back. I would hope you would also take the time to consider my friend Zakariae-100 back as well. Because I take full responsibility in his involvement in this! I asked him to help me and even asked him to /tpa to my location to assist me. Otherwise, he would not have been involved causing him to be banned.
Minecraft username: ChikitaBonita4
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Beacon Theft
Who banned you: EssayJinx
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I have re-read the rules and now clearly understand, that even if unclaimed, taking something that does not belong to me is against the server rules and for that I am sorry and learned my mistake. Because I have learned from my mistake I would hope to be graced with a second chance, it will never happen again.
Why do you want to come back: I just joined the server today and in the short amount of time I have spent on, I have gotten to see all the great qualities and activities HomeTown has to offer. I would hate to lose out on the opportunity to get to play on such a great server over a dumb mistake of mine. I would like to say again, I have learned from my mistake, and it would never happen again.
Thank you for at least taking the time to consider me back. I would hope you would also take the time to consider my friend Zakariae-100 back as well. Because I take full responsibility in his involvement in this! I asked him to help me and even asked him to /tpa to my location to assist me. Otherwise, he would not have been involved causing him to be banned.