Posts: 6
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Joined: Jul 2024
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP
Minecraft username: .IndianKri1983
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): grief
Who banned you: the4neko
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Honestly IDK what I steal from whom. And I definitely wants to come back in SMP
Why do you want to come back: Because this is the only I used to play and I am the Mayor of the Elysium Town.
Posts: 71
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Joined: Oct 2022
So this both happend more than 2 weeks ago, so I understnad that you forgot. Here are some images that might help you refresh your memory:
1) broken glass and beehive at SquidTown:
2) broken glass and grass blocks at some ocean temple like build in warp creative:
3) broken walls at these small houses at warp creative:
4) and broken beacon at warp creative:
There are 2 or 3 more small griefs like that at warp creative, but I think this should be enough. Hope you remember now and please update your appeal in reply on this thread.
Posts: 6
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Joined: Jul 2024
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP
Minecraft username: .IndianKri1983
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): grief
Who banned you: the4neko
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Idk that if I break blocks in warp creative and I accidentally break that blocks in squid town I accidentally right clicked on that builds.
As a mayor of a town I can understand this issue and I promise I will not repeat it .
Why do you want to come back: Because this is the only server I used to play and I made many friends in this smp and lost too. I had a great memories in this server and I don't want to leave this server.
Posts: 71
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Joined: Oct 2022
See, if it was first time something like this happend, I would just talk to you about it, but staff talked about this accidental breaking, both on your old account and on your current account. If you break something by accident, ask staff to fix it, if no staff is available, use /report <any staff name> <your message> where you will write what happend and once staff is available, we will fix it. Do not fix your own grief but also don't just leave it, you are experienced player, you should know and staff already talked about it with you.
Your appeal was bit short, so I would like you to answer few of my questions:
1) Why we have to report all accidental grief to staff?
2) You mentioned that you are a mayor of a town, how would you feel if your town would get griefed?
3) Do you understand that grief rules apply to every world, including creative and resource world?
Please answer my questions, put effort into the answers and if you want, include any other message you would like to be part of your appeal.
Posts: 6
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Joined: Jul 2024
1) Why we have to report all accidental grief to staff?
We have to report all accidental grief to the staff because sometimes mistakes can be made and if we inform staff about our accidental breaking blocks or griefing, they can fix it and tell us not to do more. They would also be pleased by our action and they could give us the 2nd chance.
2) You mentioned that you are the mayor of a town. How would you feel if your town would get griefed?
Indeed I am the mayor of a town and I should know everything that happen in my town. In the town we do very important builds and projects. Those builds look beautiful. But it someone just rtped to my town and griefed all the builds, i will feel very angry and sad at the same time.
3) Do you understand that grief rules apply to every world, including the creative and resource world?
Yes, I understand that the grief rules apply to every world, including the creative and resource world because people make some builds in creative to see the demo of their builds in survival, but if we just broke their builds they would be very sad and couldn't see the hologram of their builds in creative anymore. About the resource world, some builds are made by staff and they are important builds. For example: a beacon located in the res world. Even if the beacon has a claim, it is tried to be broken by some people. But if there was no claim, people would steal the beacon every time. Now I understand and apologize for my mistakes and promise to not repeat them.
Posts: 71
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Joined: Oct 2022
10-30-2024, 01:25 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-30-2024, 04:27 AM by the4neko.)
Ok I think you understand what you did wrong and that you won't repeat the same mistake again. I would like to warn you tho, that this is your second ban (you've been banned on your old account couple months ago) and that 3rd ban will be permanent. We are usually happy to give players second chance after first ban, third chance after second ban, but really really rarely there is a fourth chance. So please make sure you follow all the rules now. Remember accidental grief has to be reported to staff.
You are now unbanned, welcome back and maybe just to be safe, read /rules again.