Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP
Minecraft username: .AnujGaming5002
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): you have been banned from this server
Reason" X-RAY banned by melaniebeedot . Zero toelrance policy! If you want to appel ...this better be good in .
Who banned you: melaniebeedot
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Sir first of all sorry for using x ray .I want to be unban bcoz i made many loyal friends in this and I can't leave them forever and I am also vice mayor of town elysium. IF I banned forever I lost all of them that pain I can't bear so plz unban me and as I heard staff always give second chance to any player so staff plzz give me second chance I will not repeat this mistake . I apologise
Why do you want to come back: There is my many friends whom I made in this server . If I banned forever I lost all of them
I request to staff plzz forgive me I will not repeat this mistake I'm future
Minecraft username: .AnujGaming5002
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): you have been banned from this server
Reason" X-RAY banned by melaniebeedot . Zero toelrance policy! If you want to appel ...this better be good in .
Who banned you: melaniebeedot
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): Sir first of all sorry for using x ray .I want to be unban bcoz i made many loyal friends in this and I can't leave them forever and I am also vice mayor of town elysium. IF I banned forever I lost all of them that pain I can't bear so plz unban me and as I heard staff always give second chance to any player so staff plzz give me second chance I will not repeat this mistake . I apologise
Why do you want to come back: There is my many friends whom I made in this server . If I banned forever I lost all of them
I request to staff plzz forgive me I will not repeat this mistake I'm future