Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP
Minecraft username: RushingBadger (Nickname= MrUBGJustin)
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Xray. Banned by TheDutyPaid/LyingStar. Zero-tolerance policy! Appeal your ban at http://www.hometownmc,com/forums, it better be really good.
Who banned you: TheDutyPaid/LyingStar
Why do you want to come back: i would like to comeback for many reasons as i stated in the above statement the server is where it all began for me on SMP Minecraft in 2016 and Hometown is and will always be home for me i would like to come home and play with everyone again and make new friends along the way. i will never make the same mistake again and use any sort of cheat to give me an unfair advantage of the rest of the player base. i realize i made a huge mistake when i started X-Raying but knew it was to late to go back and continued till my ban at the Hands of TheDutyPaid which was justified obviously lol. i am looking to come back and continue the shop myself and my brother (UBG-Trevor) started as we recently found out he was diagnosed with stage 2 Brain cancer and just had surgery last mouth. we used to talk about hometown all the time i want to build I'm a PC to able to return to hometown with me if i get unbanned. i know few of you guys remember him as he was the one that was the one that was always buying everyone VIP3. I've recently gotten back into Minecraft after watch Technoblades potato wars series. as i said i have made many mistakes but never made the same mistake again and will never cheat like i did before again. i haven played on any other SMP's as this is the only one i ever played on i tried to find other ones but none compared to this one and left them almost immediately as this one i have history with and really enjoyed anyways that's all i have to say and hope you take my appeal into consideration
Minecraft username: RushingBadger (Nickname= MrUBGJustin)
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Xray. Banned by TheDutyPaid/LyingStar. Zero-tolerance policy! Appeal your ban at http://www.hometownmc,com/forums, it better be really good.
Who banned you: TheDutyPaid/LyingStar
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): i would like to be giving another chance to comeback to the very first server i ever played on the first time i played on Hometown was in summer of 2016 just after i graduated high school i made so many friends along the way such as IllogicalSong and Jasper and many more to many to to list but anyways I've been around for many years i joined the discord in 2020 I've loved playing on the server and made a mistake one day and decided to use X-Ray to mine for Netherite instead of just playing the game like everyone else and for that i am sorry i should have never cheated especially on a server that i loved to play on its been along time since I've played on the server and hope to be given another chance. i know i probably wont get unbanned as this is my second appeal as my first last year i used Ai for most of my answers and i shouldn't have and again i sorry for that i am just full of mistakes lol im only human at the end of the day.
Why do you want to come back: i would like to comeback for many reasons as i stated in the above statement the server is where it all began for me on SMP Minecraft in 2016 and Hometown is and will always be home for me i would like to come home and play with everyone again and make new friends along the way. i will never make the same mistake again and use any sort of cheat to give me an unfair advantage of the rest of the player base. i realize i made a huge mistake when i started X-Raying but knew it was to late to go back and continued till my ban at the Hands of TheDutyPaid which was justified obviously lol. i am looking to come back and continue the shop myself and my brother (UBG-Trevor) started as we recently found out he was diagnosed with stage 2 Brain cancer and just had surgery last mouth. we used to talk about hometown all the time i want to build I'm a PC to able to return to hometown with me if i get unbanned. i know few of you guys remember him as he was the one that was the one that was always buying everyone VIP3. I've recently gotten back into Minecraft after watch Technoblades potato wars series. as i said i have made many mistakes but never made the same mistake again and will never cheat like i did before again. i haven played on any other SMP's as this is the only one i ever played on i tried to find other ones but none compared to this one and left them almost immediately as this one i have history with and really enjoyed anyways that's all i have to say and hope you take my appeal into consideration