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Ban Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): Hometown SMP

Minecraft username: crazephantom

Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): Griefing
Who banned you: SelfAwareDorito

Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): I joined with my friend and he told me not to bother to read the rules because he knew them. He then said that we should take some things from this house, who i assumed was his or a friends. I didn't know it was wrong or anything and when he did the same thing he got away with just a warning.

Why do you want to come back: To have fun with friends! Big Grin
Hi there CraZePhantom,

I do find a handful of issues with what you’ve written in your appeal.

Let's start off with the damage. Please see the screenshots below.

[Image: xUeZD88.png]
[Image: 9ahPnTE.png]
[Image: JAztEO2.png]
[Image: WZJ2D9e.png]

Now onto what you wrote:
“I joined with my friend and he told me not to bother to read the rules because he knew them. He then said that we should take some things from this house, who i assumed was his or a friends. I didn't know it was wrong or anything and when he did the same thing he got away with just a warning.”

It doesn’t matter if you just joined or your friend told you to “not to bother with the rules.” Your choices are your responsibility, and your choice in this scenario was to not read the rules. The other factor is the way you were responding to me in the jail as well as the fact that you did more damage than your friend. Let me share with you some of the things you said while you were jailed:

[CHAT] [Muted] CraZePhantom IM NOT GUILTY
[CHAT] [Muted] CraZePhantom framed
[CHAT] [Muted] CraZePhantom brother on my pc

[CHAT] [Guardian] JoeDorito ⁂ >> if youre just going to act like a troll, i dunno why i should let you out
[CHAT] [Muted] CraZePhantom i thought it was my house (This directly contradicts what you wrote in your post)

[CHAT] [Guardian] JoeDorito ⁂ >> youre not giving me much in the way of being sorry for what youre doing CraZePhantom
[CHAT] [Muted] CraZePhantom ur not sigma >: (

Your messages did not strike me as coming from someone who felt bad about their actions. Your buddy on the other hand genuinely apologized and did not act like a troll. That’s why he was given an official warning and asked to hand back everything he stole. This would have been the case for you as well, had you taken the situation seriously.

With all of this in mind, I’d like you to answer the following questions:

Why do you think griefing is against the rules?
How do you think the person who you stole from and griefed would feel if they saw their house?
What will you do differently next time?

For me to unban you, you will need to put effort and thought into your answers. What you’ve written so far is mostly deflecting what you did onto your friend, and that won't cut it. Your answer to “Why do you want to come back” isn’t great either, as it doesn’t sell me on why you should be let back into the server. It’s hard to have fun on a server when someone doesn’t take these things seriously and acts like they can do whatever they want. You can use this as a chance to refine your answer to this question as well.

Thank you, and I look forward to your response.

First off, I’m really sorry for what I did and how I acted after. When I joined the server, I didn’t bother to read the rules because my friend told me he already knew them. That was a dumb mistake, and it’s on me. I shouldn’t have assumed it was okay to take stuff from that house, and I definitely shouldn’t have acted the way I did when I got caught. I didn't comprehend, at the time, the severity of the situation. I know I caused a lot of trouble, and I feel bad about that.

I get now why griefing is against the rules. People put a lot of effort into their builds, and griefing just ruins all that hard work. It’s unfair, and it takes the fun out of the server for everyone. If I were in their shoes, I’d feel upset and frustrated too—probably even like my time was wasted. I hate that I made someone feel that way.

If I get another chance, I’ll make sure to actually read the rules and follow them. I won’t mess with anyone else’s stuff again unless I have permission. I’ll also make sure to act more respectfully toward admins and mods because I know I was being immature.

I really want to come back because this server seems like such a great community, and I want to experience it the right way this time. I’ve learned from this, and I just want a chance to show that I can be a better player and contribute positively.
Hi CraZePhantom,

Thank you for your response. I greatly appreciate you acknowledging your actions and the impact they have had. You have been unbanned, when you log on you will need to return the stolen goods to a staff member.

Welcome back.


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