03-05-2025, 03:29 PM
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): HometownMc
Minecraft username: TingedHorizon4
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): slurs or derogatory comments and griefing
Who banned you: UberDeathBunny
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): first of all I would like to say I am confused about the griefing as i haven’t griefed on the server except on my first day last year and as for the language I deeply apologise for anyone I have offended I was just trying to join in on a joke an took it too far I also stopped the second I realised I went over the line as for the slurs I have seen many people use them and thought I could too and when I used to play I was allowed to swear so I apologise for swearing and using foul language I don’t know if this crosses into the conversation about lgbtq where I said I don’t support it but I don’t hate it which many people said saying that would get me banned
Why do you want to come back: I deeply regret it and have made good friends in my short time of being in the server it was one of the first times I enjoyed Minecraft in ages I would be very upset if I got banned permanently without saying goodbye I would like a chance to say goodbye to my friends if it is a permanent ban thank you for your time
Minecraft username: TingedHorizon4
Reason for your ban (exactly what it says when you try to log in!): slurs or derogatory comments and griefing
Who banned you: UberDeathBunny
Why should you be unbanned (Why should we give you a second chance?): first of all I would like to say I am confused about the griefing as i haven’t griefed on the server except on my first day last year and as for the language I deeply apologise for anyone I have offended I was just trying to join in on a joke an took it too far I also stopped the second I realised I went over the line as for the slurs I have seen many people use them and thought I could too and when I used to play I was allowed to swear so I apologise for swearing and using foul language I don’t know if this crosses into the conversation about lgbtq where I said I don’t support it but I don’t hate it which many people said saying that would get me banned
Why do you want to come back: I deeply regret it and have made good friends in my short time of being in the server it was one of the first times I enjoyed Minecraft in ages I would be very upset if I got banned permanently without saying goodbye I would like a chance to say goodbye to my friends if it is a permanent ban thank you for your time