"Cheap Ass Prices at the Expense of Diversity"
- Jellyshop
I am proud to announce the completion of /warp jellyshop
I only sell Enchanted books, selected foods, Potions, Flowers, Treasures and Selected enchanted tools.
Look for the price listings on the bottom.
As the quote suggests, my shop is incredibly small, but it sells stuff cheaper than I can afford. (JK)
![[Image: dbpzH9J.png]](http://i.imgur.com/dbpzH9J.png)
![[Image: w5jRNyC.png]](http://i.imgur.com/w5jRNyC.png)
Here are the listings: (+ means extended potion)
$ 0.08: Strength +
$0.09: Swiftness +
$0.10: Night vision +, invisibility +, splash slowness +, fire resistance +, splash weakness +, splash poison +, Splash Poison II, Strength II.
$ 0.11: Swiftness II
$ 0.12: Water Breathing +
$ 0.15: Splash Harming II, Splash Healing II.
$ 0.99: Leaping +, Leaping II
Small flower: 8 for $0.10
Big Flower: 8 for $0.08
Baked Taters: 16 for $0.16
Cooked Rabbit: 8 for $0.20
Pumpkin Pie: 8 for $0.16
Enchanted Tools:
Unbreaking III Efficiency III Diamond Axe for $2.99
Unbreaking III Efficiency III Diamond Pickaxe for $2.99
Enchanted books:
$0.99: Punch I
$1.39: Infinity I, Flame I, Silk touch I, Respiration II, Aqua affinity I, Fire Aspect I.
$1.79: Sharpness III, Knockback II.
$1.99: Depth Strider II.
$ 2.39: Lure III
$2.99: Looting III, Protection IV, Thorns II, Feather Falling IV, Power IV.
$4.59: Unbreaking III
$6.59: Efficiency V
Name Tag: $6.99 for 1
Saddle: $3.49 for 1