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Ban Appeal
server you were banned from: smp.hometownsmp.com

Minecraft Username: ThatsDope42O

reason for ban: Ban Evasion

who banned you: TheDutyPaid

Why should you be unbanned: i havent played on the server in a while now i really havent been playing much minecraft at all, i remember getting banned a while back on this server for taking some emerald blocks in the nether then i appealed it and returned said emeralds, and then later on i killed someones cows in an old abandoned base and was banned again, i think i either also appealed that or was just banned from hen on, bu id like to have a chance to rejoin the server, just so i can enjoy minecraft again honesly because i havent found any good servers since i quit playing this one and i have nobody to actually play the game with and its boring alone.

why you want to come back: ive been wanting to get back into playing minecraft but havent had the ambition or energy to do so, but with the update coming tomorrow i want to play the game and enjoy it, i just have nobody to play with, and being on a server with other people makes it less lonely
TheDutyPaid is no longer a part of our staff team so I will be taking over your appeal.

In your "Reason for ban:" section you state your ban message says "ban evasion," but in the rest of your appeal you don't mention the ban evasion at all? 

Your "Why should you be unbanned:" section is a summary of your past crimes on your other account, but doesn't really give any good reason as to why we should give you a second chance... 

So I'm going to need you to edit your appeal and try again, especially since it seems you were banned once for grief, then again for animal killing, and this seems to be the 3rd strike with ban evasion, so I'm really going to need some convincing as to why we should let you come back a 4th time...

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