Hello Lovely People of HomeTown
I am looking for someone in the community up to trade: A Purchase of [VIP 2] for my Friends for In-Game Money of $2000, which is 60% more than the Original Value if you were to just purchase In-Game Money from HomeTown Store.
If you are interested, please comment below and leave a skype name so we can chat on how to do this transfer. But to clarify: we will both log on I will transfer you $1000, then you would proceed on purchasing [VIP 2] from HownTown Store with my friend’s In-Game name. Once the purchase goes through and my friend’s Rank is updated, I will transfer the remaining $1000.
0 Trades Available
Make sure you understand: You will be receiving $1000 IGM , While I will receive VIP2 for a friend.
Here is the Math regarding the +60% ($800):
In-Game Money $800 = $20 USD
So $1 USD is equivalent of In-Game Money $40
[VIP 2] = $30 USD
Therefore, In-Game Money $40 multiplied by 30 = In-Game Money $1200
With additional In-Game Money $800 being an incentive and pay for doing this trade.
Images from http://hometownmc.enjin.com/shop

I am looking for someone in the community up to trade: A Purchase of [VIP 2] for my Friends for In-Game Money of $2000, which is 60% more than the Original Value if you were to just purchase In-Game Money from HomeTown Store.
If you are interested, please comment below and leave a skype name so we can chat on how to do this transfer. But to clarify: we will both log on I will transfer you $1000, then you would proceed on purchasing [VIP 2] from HownTown Store with my friend’s In-Game name. Once the purchase goes through and my friend’s Rank is updated, I will transfer the remaining $1000.
0 Trades Available
Make sure you understand: You will be receiving $1000 IGM , While I will receive VIP2 for a friend.
Here is the Math regarding the +60% ($800):
In-Game Money $800 = $20 USD
So $1 USD is equivalent of In-Game Money $40
[VIP 2] = $30 USD
Therefore, In-Game Money $40 multiplied by 30 = In-Game Money $1200
With additional In-Game Money $800 being an incentive and pay for doing this trade.
Images from http://hometownmc.enjin.com/shop
Ign : BigAssMofo
Joined HT in 2015
MIA since 2017
Back in Action: 2024
Joined HT in 2015
MIA since 2017
Back in Action: 2024