Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown
Minecraft name: KeepFink221
Reason for your ban: crop grief
Who banned you: lexsux
Why should you be unbanned: A guy told me to harvest all his wheat and so i did a little section of it and gave him all his wheat and seeds, I forgot to replant all of it but gave him his seeds, and if he did tell me i am sorry
Why do you want to come back: This is my second time being banned the first time i made a mistake and this time was a total accident, i did not mean to grief his crops, it will not happen again i promise you.
Minecraft name: KeepFink221
Reason for your ban: crop grief
Who banned you: lexsux
Why should you be unbanned: A guy told me to harvest all his wheat and so i did a little section of it and gave him all his wheat and seeds, I forgot to replant all of it but gave him his seeds, and if he did tell me i am sorry
Why do you want to come back: This is my second time being banned the first time i made a mistake and this time was a total accident, i did not mean to grief his crops, it will not happen again i promise you.