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/warp store - Want to sell at my store?
I'm looking for someone to take over some of the chests from my store. You'll make all your own profits and stock like your own store. Most items are open to take over. Diamonds, iron, sea lanterns and quartz ore/block, oak wood are not.

You don't need to pay me anything either. The only thing i ask is that your fairly active. (If your on the most active page on the site then even better). You will have to keep your chests in stock 95% of the time, if your unable to keep chests stocked then please don't bother applying as it will waste both our time. Prices should also be reasonable-cheap.

David/wiseman chests won't be changing hands, unless they want to. /warp store and have a look around and see if theres anything you want to take over and sell at my store.

As most know, /warp store is one of the biggest on HT and since meatheads shop went tits up, my store has been doing fairly well. So for sure it's a place you can make a steady income. You'll be helping me stock less items since your selling your own, so win-win for everyone.

How to apply
Post your IGN (in game name)
How much you play most days
Post your balance /money (Not needed but good to know anyway)
I am open to changing the mix of what I sell. Especially wheat -- hate replanting my 64 x 64 water harvest farm. I still have stall 8 at /warp market and /warp rabbits that I keep stocked as well, so I still have to replant wheat but maybe less often.

Thor, would you put up with the clucking of chickens at /warp store? I checked and I can fit an egg farm above the egg shop chest. The chest empties the most often -- everyone buys but few sell into it. I have 4 egg farms and I still run out of stock at times.
I have my sound turned off since forever, NP with me.
Same here, can't stand rain, chickens, and cats meowing. Goes on my round-to-it list along with a bunch of other things -- until the chest and 4 farms empty one too many times again. Only 1 of my 4 egg farms is where the chunk is loaded regularly (so the chickens lay) and I sell eggs there too.
(06-10-2016, 11:52 PM)Thorsassin Wrote: I'm looking for someone to take over some of the chests from my store. You'll make all your own profits and stock like your own store. Most items are open to take over. Diamonds, iron, sea lanterns and quartz ore/block, oak wood are not.

You don't need to pay me anything either. The only thing i ask is that your fairly active. (If your on the most active page on the site then even better). You will have to keep your chests in stock 95% of the time, if your unable to keep chests stocked then please don't bother applying as it will waste both our time. Prices should also be reasonable-cheap.

David/wiseman chests won't be changing hands, unless they want to. /warp store and have a look around and see if theres anything you want to take over and sell at my store.

As most know, /warp store is one of the biggest on HT and since meatheads shop went tits up, my store has been doing fairly well. So for sure it's a place you can make a steady income. You'll be helping me stock less items since your selling your own, so win-win for everyone.

How to apply
Post your IGN (in game name)  Andotzcabz
How much you play most days   About 2 hours
Post your balance /money (Not needed but good to know anyw $36
What did you want to sell?
(06-10-2016, 11:52 PM)Thorsassin Wrote: I'm looking for someone to take over some of the chests from my store. You'll make all your own profits and stock like your own store. Most items are open to take over. Diamonds, iron, sea lanterns and quartz ore/block, oak wood are not.

You don't need to pay me anything either. The only thing i ask is that your fairly active. (If your on the most active page on the site then even better). You will have to keep your chests in stock 95% of the time, if your unable to keep chests stocked then please don't bother applying as it will waste both our time. Prices should also be reasonable-cheap.

David/wiseman chests won't be changing hands, unless they want to. /warp store and have a look around and see if theres anything you want to take over and sell at my store.

As most know, /warp store is one of the biggest on HT and since meatheads shop went tits up, my store has been doing fairly well. So for sure it's a place you can make a steady income. You'll be helping me stock less items since your selling your own, so win-win for everyone.

How to apply
Post your IGN (in game name): GingaPower2k
How much you play most days: I have no life, so around 4-7 hours a day, maybe more.
Post your balance /money (Not needed but good to know anyway)405.68

So I dunno if i'm doing this right, But I went to /warp store and looked, and I think I can take care of the stuff at the redstone area, as I have a slighty large redstone supply. I feel like that is something I can start small with, and then potentially grow in the future. I can image the stress you go through to keep stocking /warp store, and I'd be glad to help you out. Big Grin
Big Grin The Official "Ginga" on the server Big Grin
Official Owner of:
/warp emporium
/warp EmoFood
/warp Fuel
/warp Chicken
/warp EmoWitch
/warp TrialShop

A few redstone items i would like to keep, but not many. Next time we both on let me know and we can take a look.
IGN: Genocore
(07-01-2016, 07:02 PM)Thorsassin Wrote: A few redstone items i would like to keep, but not many. Next time we both on let me know and we can take a look.

Sure, dude. I'll be on later, so hopefully we can meet then.
Big Grin The Official "Ginga" on the server Big Grin
Official Owner of:
/warp emporium
/warp EmoFood
/warp Fuel
/warp Chicken
/warp EmoWitch
/warp TrialShop


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