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Ban Appeal
Forum: Ban Appeals
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03-18-2025, 02:27 PM
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ban appeal and apologize
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03-17-2025, 01:00 AM
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03-15-2025, 01:01 AM
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Forum: Ban Appeals
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Posted by: turb - 04-14-2016, 07:42 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (2)

[b]Server you were banned on (SMP):[/b] Your text SMP SERVER

[b]Minecraft name:[/b] Your text busterkenny

[b]Reason for your ban:[/b] Your text I was banned for taking crops and trespassing into others properties.

[b]Who banned you:[/b] Your text Rowebot

[b]Why should you be unbanned:[/b] Your text I would like to be unbanned because I would like to be part of the community you and others created. I admit to my actions of trespassing and griefing crops that I stole. I have affected you and the amazing community all together. I don't expect you nor the community to forgive me for what I had done. Even though reading the rules, I had neglected it and went to do my own thing. If I were unbanned and to grief again I am willing to take any punishment (Perm Ban).

[b]Why do you want to come back:[/b]  I would like to come back to HTMC because I would like to once more be part of the community. The people are great to have a experience of Minecraft there. The people all together are great people who did really shape the server to what it is today.I had affected them and you also. I would like to thank you for reading this and others who did also.

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Brick Unb book
Posted by: Nitro - 04-13-2016, 11:35 PM - Forum: Trading - No Replies

I swear  already asked for one on here,

my price is 7$?

Anyone sell them

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  Letting go
Posted by: _JELLy__ - 04-13-2016, 10:49 PM - Forum: General - Replies (23)

Building my base, all my farms and my shop had been the most amazing experience ever. I really discovered my personal design and taste. 
Truth be told, I began to grow tired of maintaining my farms and stocking my shops. Logging into HT had become a chore, farming 100 stacks of taters and carrots to get emeralds for my shop, every day...
All the server mechanics changes forcing me to modify lots of my farms designed to the limits of the server of then, and telling any members that it no longer works. 

I am tired looking after my stuff, it is highly technical and laborious work, and extremely tedious. 

I hereby call upon anyone who wants to continue any of my businesses, my mob farms, my endrmen farms (along with Sky_Crazy), my crop farms, and of course, my shop.

Here's the list:
Free Mob Farms: jellyskelly, jellyskelly2, jellyzomby, jellyzomby2, jellyblaze, jellyspidy, jellyspidy2
Resource farms: jellycactus, mycelium, jellyiron, jellyguardian (includes a full sheep farm on top)
shop: jellyshop

I need players who is not fearing some work and who knows the mechanics of the given farm. 
As for my shop, I will personally allow the new owner to access my emerald farm and trading center. Of course the new shop will be in your name, but I don't want the items to change. 

Comment below if you want to take over any of this

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  Seeking Ore Suppliers
Posted by: Beo - 04-13-2016, 10:23 PM - Forum: Trading - Replies (5)

Soooo I know I've been really bad at stocking /warp emporium since I've opened. Like, really really bad. I honestly just can't do it myself anymore, and none of the people who originally helped me with it are on much anymore. This is me trying to be better, fam.

I'm going to be buying materials, especially ores, in bulk. Particularly needed are coal ore, iron ore and iron ingots, gold ore, lapis ore, diamonds, and diamond ore. 

I'll pay pretty well for these; if you're interested, I'll tell you more about exact prices. The pay will be better the more you supply, as I'd prefer to buy in bulk (sets of around 9 or so stacks for most ores, half-stacks and stacks of diamonds).

Please let me know if you're interested. I can also make this a long-term ongoing job.

Also, I'm willing to buy other materials such as crops, blocks, and wood, though ores are the most needed at the moment.

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Shocked Busy af rn
Posted by: Donkey - 04-13-2016, 10:41 AM - Forum: General - No Replies

Hey just wanted to say sorry for me not being on I have been staying after school for athletics and am only not busy on weekends or sometimes late during a week day so I am not quiting or nothing I am just busy Smile Also I am sorry if anything with EliteBuilders is messed up since I was gone the last few days so if so ask _Sebs he is also an owner thanks Big Grin

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Posted by: Skoliro - 04-13-2016, 03:34 AM - Forum: Ban Appeals - Replies (3)

Hello! I just wanted to start over with my ban appeal. I was initially aggravated about the ban, because I had no idea what I had done to be banned, and since then I've been very busy with schoolwork which has been piling up. However, here is my full ban appeal in the correct format:

Server you were banned on (SMP): SMP server

Minecraft name: Skoliro

Reason for your ban: "Banned by DK for grief"

Who banned you: Your DK

Why should you be unbanned: I understand that I apparently did something against the rules, which I am truly sorry about. However, the ban text was rather vague as I personally don't recall every griefing anyone on this server. I really do think griefing is wrong and I would never do so myself. I profusely apologize for whatever I did do, and if an explanation could be provided by DK as to exactly why I was banned I could offer an explanation and/or further apology.

Why do you want to come back: As I've said before, I really enjoy the community you have here on Hometown. Everyone is exceedingly nice and the community is a very welcoming place. I've put many hours into the server, and have donated a total of 45 dollars to its further development. I'm heavily invested in the server at this point, and I would see it as a huge shame to never come back.

I will patiently await your reply. Have a nice day, and I hope to see you back on the server quite soon!

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Posted by: TheOnlyKat - 04-13-2016, 12:18 AM - Forum: General - Replies (3)

Hello! I'm am glad to say that with the permission from Brockist, Sarah and I have re-opened /Warp Outlets Big Grin
Most shops are empty and ready to buy now! It has been closed for 5 months now and we both know you have been awaiting its return!!! So here Sarah and I present to you, the new and improved /Warp Outlets!!!! Come visit today with over a total of 25 shops to come and look at or even to buy!!! So what are you waiting for... /Warp Outlets TODAY!!!! Also if you want to buy a shop, /msg or /mail TheOnlyKat or Sarahx :3

-From Sarah & Kat

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  Chat Bubbles Mod for Minecraft 1.9.2/1.9
Posted by: Landline - 04-11-2016, 09:41 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (4)

How 'bout it, guys?  Stumbled across this, thought it might work for us --


Chat Bubbles Mod displays Minecraft chat in a bubble above player heads making it perfect for big multiplayer servers where the chat moves too quickly to read. But really, this is one of the most original mods for Minecraft, and an excellent idea! Note that you can use it on a server as well, that might be very interesting to engage discussions with other players. Chat Bubbles is compatible with Minecraft 1.9 and 1.8, and is regularly updated.

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Brick EliteBuilders
Posted by: Donkey - 04-11-2016, 10:56 AM - Forum: Trading - Replies (1)

Afternoon Hometown! Im sure you have heard of the recent new building company EliteBuilders. Since it has Opened we have hired 4 New builders and are hoping to expand our work force to apply contact _Sebs. We are a building company that will give you a very high quality built in a fast time and for a low price Smile I hope you come and check us out you will not be dissapointed Smile
Owner: XxdonkyslayerxX
Owner: _Sebs
Head Assistant: BigAssMofo0204

/Warp EliteBuilders

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  Pet Plugin
Posted by: chickenhead24 - 04-11-2016, 08:22 AM - Forum: Report a Problem - Replies (6)

Okay, so recently I was promoted to Experienced, and I was given access to /pet horse. This worked for a while, and then a few weeks later we updated to 1.9, and the plugin was broken and removed. I have been told by Frost that we're gonna' get another pet plugin, but nothing's happened for a while. 

I'm NOT rushing anyone, or telling you guys to hurry up, I'm just stating that I am one person waiting for another plugin, and there could be more. Just a request that all features removed when 1.9 came along are restored or partially changed.

Ignore the bad wording, I'm not used to typing up a bunch of words that are going to be seen on the internet.

Sincerely, Chicken.

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