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Will you press the button
Sure i play trumpet so i have lungs of steel
A. you will never get full
B. but your stomach always hurts, not alot just a little
[Image: 79ca12078dbede1dbd3dfa104d2ed112.gif]
Visit /warp bulk for all your building needs! 
I’ll press the button.
A:You can visit any fictional universe
B:You have to live the equivalent of a lifetime in one universe before jumping to another.

Those who hunt monsters should be careful lest they become monsters themselves-Fredrick Nietzche 
As long as i can decide when i will die it’s all cool.

A. You can assure a healthy, long and happy life for all that you love
B. But you will just die. Like a fool.
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 
sure if it means they get a good life.
a: You can become a super hero with what ever power you want...
b: ... But your arch nemesis will have the power to negate your powers regardless of what ever power you choose to have.

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[Image: latest?cb=20140209085003]
Make love not war... at least not with him
A- you’re a successful musician and have a comfortable life
B- you can’t listeb to your own music at all. If you do you die
[Image: 79ca12078dbede1dbd3dfa104d2ed112.gif]
Visit /warp bulk for all your building needs! 
Nah - making music isn't as fun as listening to it.

A - You never make a typo again
B - You have to devote five minutes of each day to typing "/warp P is the best shop, where you can buy and sell lots of items, including ores, wood, wool, glass, building blocks, and more," over and over again
Check out these warps:
PemiShop- Buy and sell items!
PemiSlime - $900 for life, two chunk AFK slime farm!
Paint - Free easels and dye for all!
Court - For all your minor disputes!

A. You find true love
B. Firegene will stare at you in a five night at Freddy’s costume while you sleep, FOREVER
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain 
um no...?
A- you have perfect handwriting and never misspell anything
B- you type really slowly and make constant errors
[Image: 79ca12078dbede1dbd3dfa104d2ed112.gif]
Visit /warp bulk for all your building needs! 
But isnt mispelling and constant errors somewhat related? Sorry im dumb. Either way im pressing that

A. Your brain will have an acces to internet, so you can just search up crap inside your head. Plus you wont need a connection.
B. But You’ll become immobalized during that and it’ll hurt your head the same way you would be slapping yourself. It wont damage you and will stop right after you stopped.
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 
yEs (cheating in tests)

A. You can learn things very easily
B. You are immobilised

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