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Ban Appeal
(04-16-2018, 04:03 AM)JoesMine231 Wrote: Are you related to this appeal? also you said, "you are one of the most toxic players I've ever witnessed. Good luck finding a new server." that is not appropriate to write on somebody's appeal. If you feel that way, talk to me either privately, or publicly in another place instead of on the ban appeal thread. Ill gladly try to explain how I feel about that, but here is not the place. Also I am not implying anything about anyone but I think the ip of that user who was trying to troll me should be checked and crossed referenced with others on the server.

just in case what I said didn't come across I am going to repost it.

I am not arguing but, I Promise, I did not persist in talking about the rules. I never once talked about the rules after you told me not to. You told me to not discuss the rules of the server and I did not. The last thing I said to you was not talking about the rules whatsoever. yes I did ask you to reconsider, but i did not once talk about the rules. If I was trying to disobey what you said then I would have debated the rules in open chat, or in forums. I did not do this. You have got to acknowledge this.
If need be you can go back and look at it. I didn't do anything contrary to what you told me to do. I followed you instructions even though I strongly disagree with them.

I misunderstood what you were telling me and took what you said more literally than maybe you meant it. I am sorry for this misunderstanding. can you agree?

"Do not post on an appeal UNLESS:

- You are involved in the ban as either a victim, offender, staff-member, or witness providing tangible, objective evidence. If you do not fit any of these categories, you will be dealt with appropriately on the content and context of your message/s" 

Maybe if you learned how to understand what you're reading the first time, you wouldn't be in your current situation.
[Image: 4vk53BR.gif]
What I read the first time was very specific stop trying to override what I said back there, how do you relate to this, what evidence do you bring? I told you that this appeal is not a place for you to rant you hatred for me so provide evidence or leave please. Once you say you wont interrupt again I will continue my apology with rayvenz
My dude I even highlighted it for you the second time. I am a witness with tangible proof of everything stated in my first comment, which I also said I doubt I need to bring forth to staff considering they were there for the whole fiasco. On top of all that, you're still proving every word of mine right, as you are not understanding things correctly, STILL. I did not rant my hatred for you, I stated nothing but fact, which anyone in our community can easily agree with, your attitude is not appreciated either. This appeal wasn't even supposed to be created in the first place, as stated by Ray herself: "First of all you were not given the option to appeal. You were banned forever"

Also I wanna throw out there that I even asked Rayz herself, if I could reply to this appeal as I can definitely give another point of view on the whole situation.
[Image: 4vk53BR.gif]
As I stated you have shown no evidence and no facts. you have only stated opinions. I have not denied anything yet so there is no evidence you can possible bring against me. I am still waiting so I can give my apologies to rayvenz. Your point of view is hatred towards me, you are not helping the situation now let me apologize to rayvenz.

If you post again I expect it to be evidence not more hatred.
Get this TROLL out of here.   

And I suspect I know who it is to. I ask that this person's ip be checked.
Here let me help you out a little, since you're struggling, bud.
fact-noun-a thing that is indisputably the case.
Lets break this down slowly. I'm not going to put as much effort into it as I'd like because I know you'll still find a way to twist this in your mind to make you seem like the good guy, and that I don't want to sift through the chat logs unless asked by staff to do so.
"Ever since day one of returning to the server, or however you came to be, you've been arguing against the rules"
Please refer to: https://hometownmc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=3195
"Your persistence on these things are what gets you in trouble and somehow you just don't seem to grasp that concept."
Please refer to your previous appeal, and this one.
"Not only do you argue with everyone, you're downright rude, and have this unimaginable god complex that makes you think you're always right or above everyone, even stating yourself last night that if you don't agree with the rules, then they are wrong and should be accommodated to your beliefs."
Now this one I have 0 problem with showing to people, as it happened just last night. if anyone wants to see this for themselves, tag or message me in the discord.
"I even personally saw you backseat staffing to be sure "staff was doing their job correctly" which honestly seems insulting."
Again, its shown in the chat logs. That happened last night. Which I have 0 problem with presenting, again doubting need to do so since its one of the top things that lead to this ban in the first place.
"As a regular on the server, and most likely agreed by many others, your presence just isn't wanted, you give no contribution to the community nor make it a better place, you are one of the most toxic players I've ever witnessed. Good luck finding a new server."
Now, as this could be a gray area, considering you do have friends here, that you've brought with you. But how many have you made on the server? Could you honestly say you are a positive contributor to the community? Are you welcomed with open arms when you join?
Its good that you haven't denied what you've done. It just goes to show the kind of person you are, one that I know very well because, as stated before in another appeal similar to this, I used to be the same way. You're only here to cause trouble and be a smart-aleck.
[Image: 4vk53BR.gif]
So you are here to insult me? or what? That is all you did. you have been pestering me ever since I met you on the server. I have not once mind you said anything rude to you. You will not leave you alone. I insist that you leave this forum unless you have "evidence" not opinions. You wont even let me apologize to rayvenz. You will get no reaction or rude comments out of me. you would just love to see me lash out, but you cant make me do it. Now leave me alone and let rayvenz and I post on this forum.

besides, none of your evidence pertains to "THIS" ban. That is, if you call those opinions evidence.
I've done nothing of the sort. I showed you what parts of my first comment were fact and opinion, which so far can all be presented with tangible proof. I'm sorry that you feel insulted by the truth, but I haven't stated anything that's yet to be proven untrue. Please go ahead and give your side of the story, this is your appeal after all.

*I would like to say yes, I did call you a toxic player, buuuuuuut.....
[Image: 4vk53BR.gif]
This entire thread is nothing but a reaction out of you, you've been baited to hell and back my mans. I don't need to provide you with any evidence anyway, those who have a saying in you getting unbanned, that is if you had eligibility to do so, were there witnessing it first hand. But if you are so inclined:

[23:16:08] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Admin] Star >> the people in discord arent happy with you
[23:16:09] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Rookie] DemonBro >> i have skype
[23:16:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Admin] Star >> so im gonna give my "i dont suggest that" advice
[23:16:27] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Advanced] JoesMine231 >> ok
[23:16:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Admin] Star >> and not suggest it
[23:16:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Advanced] JoesMine231 >> you
[23:16:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Adept] Greinaut >> Nah dont listen to her
[23:17:02] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Advanced] JoesMine231 >> honestly, i can take people being rude most of the time.
[23:17:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Adept] Greinaut >> Anyone who plays on the server can join the discord
[23:17:19] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Admin] Star >> for me to intervene
[23:17:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [HomeTown] >> Want awesome new commands, custom nicknames, more homes, and even fly? Check out the shop on our website by clicking this message!
[23:17:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Party] Leader [Guardian] derp: the diss was probably staler than 10 day old bread
[23:17:35] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Adept] Greinaut >> I mean
[23:17:38] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Adept] Greinaut >> Technically speaking
[23:17:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Admiral_Short just got $25, 64 claim blocks, and 1 slots token for voting! Vote yourself using /vote try the slots at /warp slots!
[23:17:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Party] Member [Admin] Star: i get cyber bullied on club penguin
[23:17:45] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Guest] koteranddylan >> im raidng peoples base
[23:17:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Advanced] JoesMine231 >> I wouldnt be suprised
[23:17:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Adept] Greinaut >> The roblox bullies cant get you ehre
[23:17:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Rookie] MNMONE >> cber bullying is real!!!
[23:17:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Adept] Greinaut >> here*
[23:18:14] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Advanced] JoesMine231 >> Its probably because I challenge things that I think are wrong.
[23:18:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Admiral_Short just got $25, 64 claim blocks, and 1 slots token for voting! Vote yourself using /vote try the slots at /warp slots!
[23:18:18] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Adept] Greinaut >> Star you get cyber bullied anywhere
[23:18:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Guest] ZenDyneBeast >> Thanks, Im back! :d
[23:18:28] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Guest] ZenDyneBeast >> Big Grin
[23:18:29] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Adept] Greinaut >> Just cause you think its wrong doesnt mean they are wrong
[23:18:30] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Admin] Star >> Honestly it's because you challenge rules and it gets under people's skin
[23:18:31] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [VIP3] Ceders >> there are new rules tho
[23:18:33] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Rookie] OONightowlOO >> JoesMine231 tpa u gotta see this
[23:18:37] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Advanced] JoesMine231 >> it does not thats true
[23:18:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Admiral_Short just got $25, 64 claim blocks, and 1 slots token for voting! Vote yourself using /vote try the slots at /warp slots!
[23:18:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Admin] Star >> I'm all for it, but you challenge everything
[23:18:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Guest] koteranddylan >> im raiding a base
[23:18:47] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Adept] Greinaut >> In what sense is that true
[23:18:49] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Admin] Star >> including literally what I just said
[23:18:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] MAL1CE just got $25, 64 claim blocks, and 1 slots token for voting! Vote yourself using /vote try the slots at /warp slots!
[23:19:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Founder] frost >> joe, it's just minecraft and a game. this isn't the constitution its just a set of rules for a minecraft server
[23:19:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [HomeTown] >> Votes earn you $$ and also count towards new rank promotions! Use /warp vote for more info. >>>> Use /vote to vote
[23:19:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Advanced] JoesMine231 >> Im more talking about personalitys right now, not debating rules
[23:19:34] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Admiral_Short just got $25, 64 claim blocks, and 1 slots token for voting! Vote yourself using /vote try the slots at /warp slots!
[23:19:44] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] MAL1CE just got $25, 64 claim blocks, and 1 slots token for voting! Vote yourself using /vote try the slots at /warp slots!
[23:19:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Party] Member [?Admin?] Rayz: two hours of painn
[23:19:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Advanced] JoesMine231 >> hey people
[23:19:50] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Regular] TookNuL >> people are talking in the background thats why my background noise is gey
[23:19:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Regular] Oirchzalet >> Ja?
[23:19:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Advanced] JoesMine231 >> i have an idea to improve le server
[23:19:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Admin] Star >> But I've been hearing about incidents for the past few days
[23:19:54] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Founder] frost >> like we are all here to play the game, no need to stir things up. just come on here to have fun

I cut out the parts that are irrelevant to what I'm trying to show But here we go, another breakdown. Right off the bat you can see that, words from Star not me, the community isn't happy with you.
Here's me proving my point earlier about your god complex also among other things, I stated that just because you think things are wrong, doesn't mean that it is. But you don't seem to grasp that still?
Again also proving some more points, stated by our own admin as you can see in the logs, that you challenge the rules and continue to push and no one enjoys you doing so.
Here's something graciously donated to me btw from a staff member, showing you disrespectfully "Checking to make sure staff is doing their job right"

[23:28:53] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [SS] [[Advanced] JoesMine231 -> [Guardian] derp] did you already warn them?
[23:29:00] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [SS] [[Guardian] derp -> [Advanced] JoesMine231] multiple times, yes
[23:29:07] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [SS] [[Advanced] JoesMine231 -> [Guardian] derp] ah ok nevermind
[23:29:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [SS] [[Guardian] derp -> [Advanced] JoesMine231] star as well.
[23:29:16] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [SS] [[Advanced] JoesMine231 -> [Guardian] derp] ok
[23:29:25] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [SS] [[Advanced] JoesMine231 -> [Guardian] derp] i dont know them but, just wanted to make sure.
[Image: 4vk53BR.gif]
You got it so warped, I said I agreed, not that I was always right. you said,

"Just cause you think its wrong doesnt mean they are wrong"

I said, "it does not thats true" as in, It does not mean they are wrong.
I did not say "it does thats not true" as you can see, I did not say I was always right.

I was agreeing with you that I am not always right. Man you really misunderstood. Read what I am saying wow.

also It is not disrespectful to ask what is going on in a situation. They can always just say its none of my business. It was not meant that way. I'm honestly not sure why your so angry over this.

honestly greinaut, your not even related to this, you just hate my guts. you mind explaining why? also again, this appeal is not for ranting hate on me so explain why somewhere else please. unless of course it pertains to this which it does not.

and wait, how come you took all the good things I said out of this? and why are you dehumanizing me? and how does this pertain to the appeal? we were having a talk about personalitys, I had no idea you thought this was a place to express your hatred. 

honestly Greinaut, I disagree with you about free speach, but I do not hate you, neither do I think your toxic.

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