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WorldEdit Request Thread
There's a noob hut/build near my base in new world i would like to have it removed, although it does not break the 100 blocks rule but i would like The expand and the player's been gone for months,
Coords are
World new world
X: -1043
Y : 64
Z: 9524
Check out this thread, lotus, and make sure to follow the proper format:
As stated in the original post, players are limited to one request per month.
IceDogLucas_ (from 12-02-2024) completed.
The location of the building I would like moved is New World X: 5531, Y: 84, Z: 6474.
It is 54x33 blocks wide and long, around 51 blocks from top to bottom. Most of it is underground as it is dug into the ground. The location of where I would like it placed is X: 7928, Y: 100, Z: -7000 NewWorld (there should be a bread shaped structure nearby, but I made sure to pick a place out of render distance). I think that world edit replaces the terrain previously there, but if there is any problems you can set the structure anywhere you would like as long as I can get back to it. I have marked both the structure I would like moved and the new location with pillars of cobblestone/diorite.
RaylikesBread completed.
Looking to move a custom made tree
From x:10968 y:73 z:2187 to x:10983 y70: z:2183

I have market to movable structure and the place it needs moved to with distinguished blocks

The structure is in the regular world
Approved and completed
1. -4283, 106, 4423 NewWorld, at /warp squidtown (marked with red wool)
2. 11x7x5
want moved to -4344, 97 4455 (front of build here at red wool that matches wool marked on original)
Estimate sent.

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