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Villager Crop Farm
So in the old world I made an auto carrot farm and I kinda worked but the issue was the villagers AI would only work if I was within 10-15 blocks of it(The villager would literally stand there until I walked near it, then it would resume as normal.). But today I was watching hermitcraft and Mumbo Jumbo made the same one and his worked from a decent range. Is this a server issue or something because a auto farm would be so fun to build and it would auto stock my shop.
Have a great day!  Angel
Unsure. I know i tried making a few auto-farms on the old world. And it seemed to break/stop rather easily...
I had a few auto farms on the old world but every once in a while they would break. I don't know about other people experience with them though, but mine didn't work all too well :3
[Image: Jh4Rh61.png]  

Spigot makes entities receive much, much fewer ticks when farther than a certain distance from a player. We tried deactivating that and it immediately made the server's performance go down the toilet, so that's just something you have to live with in multiplayer.
Damn that sucks at least it isn't something that has gone unnoticed..
Have a great day!  Angel
Donkey, the mob activation distance is the setting that is tuned low, deliberately, to reduce lag so we can allow more players online at the same time.

I plan to get a Fortune III pickaxe for crop harvesting. I find that good enough with double drops on potatoes for sale. My small wheat crop is for my animals and villager farmer trading.

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