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Ban Appeal
If it takes a short essay on the topic in order to regain my privilege, so be it:

X-Raying/cheating is bad by its nature for more than a single reason. not only does it take away another player's ability to accomplish more as a player on a server, but it gives the user an unfair boost above all others. X-Raying can rarely ever be validly defended due to its complete hostility to a server as a whole. If a server is one constant map for a prolonged period of time it can do things such as reveal houses and secret bases on faction/pvp/grief servers and provide an unfair advantage over other players on servers with more strict rules; such as this server's anti grief. I myself am more of a faction/pvp server kind of guy but i respect all rules and hate being on the other end of such situations, hence why i am spending my time writing an essay right now. Not to necessarily make it back on the server as i have my own server i could play on, but mainly to apologize to those of whom i created a disadvantage for. On top of the fact that X-Ray is malicious in itself, it also creates a bad environment around the server. For example if one player witnesses another use X-Ray, he or she will join along in harming the economy of the server. This domino effect altogether take maybe a week to ruin a server completely. As to why i have an X-ray pack in the first place, it is not at all to damage anyone else's experience, but for a couple of more valid reasons. As previously mentioned, i have recently opened up my own server for private play between a couple of my close friends and i. It is of an earlier version and has a couple random mods to try out on it. Anyway, with the creation of a modded world, as fellow admins/owners probably know, comes those random obnoxious world holes that generate 30-40 blocks underground of which lead to an unfair death in the void of minecraft. I have the Xray pack in order to find those holes and fill/regenerate chunks in their areas. No one wants to get really far into a game with a bunch of cool modded items and then lose them all to an annoying trip to the void. am i right?
However, that it of no one else's concern, i just added it in order to show that i dont have the pack for any harmful reason. I would write and explain about how i learned from the situation but on that topic there is not much but the fact that i will not reactivate the pack again whilst on any server but my own, regardless of the motivation behind it. I think if you dont play legitimately its just overall a dirtbag-like thing to do. I know thats not exactly proper wording but i believe it is an effective term for a player who cannot play a game fairly. I completely understand the consequence and accept anything , i just really like the place i found for mine and MayBe70's house to be. Anything else, i accept for to be revoked, even if it wasnt illegitimately obtained.
No one really likes modders or cheaters in any game. I used to be a big CoD player and i, just as nearly everyone else, have said some pretty vulgar things about such cheaters. Its a completely understandable thing to do. Its things like that that can ruin an entire game for someone, or even a large group of people (Example: MW2. astonishing game. ruined by hackers). The last thing i would ever desire is to be in the same category as those annoying hackers/modders/cheaters. Never would i ever stoop to their level purposely and i feel disgusting for doing such a thing, even if on such a small scale. I apologize to all of whom were effected and hope y'all can continue to play happily on this server as you have so far, whether i am able to join you or not. y por los chicos y chicas de quein hablan espanol solo, lo siento mucho por mis acciones.
(i actually wrote this on a word document with correct indent format and such but due to the minimal quick reply functions it didn't come out as anything but one giant paragraph. I hope that doesn't effect its validity).

Messages In This Thread
Ban Appeal - by deathlyfire666 - 08-24-2016, 06:25 AM
RE: Ban Appeal - by deathlyfire666 - 08-25-2016, 08:40 AM
RE: Ban Appeal - by vilneas - 08-26-2016, 05:42 AM
RE: Ban Appeal - by deathlyfire666 - 08-26-2016, 12:22 PM
RE: Ban Appeal - by vilneas - 08-27-2016, 06:21 AM
RE: Ban Appeal - by deathlyfire666 - 08-27-2016, 08:47 AM
RE: Ban Appeal - by vilneas - 08-27-2016, 09:20 PM

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