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Will you be banned muted or will you not? That is the question.
Well in that situation, I think, first, we perma-ban the offender. That level of grief goes beyond "oops" or any level of apology. Next, Staff would have to consider the best way to reverse the situation and go from there. As a player, I would screen shot everything, also making a log of my important items on hand (in the event of a server wide roll back) and open a txt file to log anything I have lost in the attack. As the griefer, if I were a smug punk, I would probably gloat on some MC chat site. However, at the same time, I might wanna think about hiding and staying of MC servers all together for a while. Damage like that has a way of getting told down the pipes to other servers so they can be warned about that player/ip.
Just enough of a Bastard to be worth liking.

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RE: Will you be banned muted or will you not? That is the question. - by Geckorian - 08-22-2018, 07:37 AM

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