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Will you be banned muted or will you not? That is the question.
So basically I was thinking that we could each post a scenario that we think we might get banned or muted in, (Not based off actual events) and a staff tells us if we would get banned or not! (Try and make the weirdest scenerios possible!) So uh here is an example:

A player walks in to a shop and then thinks they can take the materials so they try to mine it, then somehow the materials in the chest disappear but the admin thinks they stole it so they ban them! *Server does not coreprotect yet*
"A player walks in to a shop and then thinks they can take the materials so they try to mine it, then somehow the materials in the chest disappear but the admin thinks they stole it so they ban them! *Server does not coreprotect yet* "

Well since the scenario you presented says the person gets banned, then I would say ban. Mainly what I see here is a player trying to alter a structure that they did not build. That is a ban offense. Without core protect the staffer would have to go off what intel they had available to them. The intel available is that they tried to mine materials in the shop, that falls under either grief, for trying to alter a build, or theft, for trying to take the materials.

New scenario: Guest logs in for the first time, does the quiz, goes to warp faq, warp rules, and warp vote before using /rand for a while to find a location. Finds a nice spot of grassland nestled against a hills biome with a forest biome across the river. Cuts down a few trees and sets up a small hut. Finds sheep and kills them for food and to make a bed. Then decides to dig down to level 12 and start mining. Has no luck finding diamonds and says to in chat. Another player tells them they can come mine with them as the 2nd player is finding lots of diamonds. They /tp to them and watch as the 2nd player mines by making random turns, finds diamonds and lets the 1st player mine them. the Guest now has enough diamonds to make armor and tool set does /home to do so. After making his gear, he sees that chat is talking about how 2nd player just got banned for xray.

1)should the guest say anything about having mined with the 2nd player?
2)if the guest shows up on the core logs, should he get banned too?
3)should the guest say anything about his diamonds to staff?
4)If you were staff, how would you handle the situation?
Just enough of a Bastard to be worth liking.
Let's say I was this guest, Because I looked at warp faq did the quiz I would know that xray is bannable, Which means I would definiatly turn myself in.

Just because the guest was mining with the person doesn't mean they knew they were using xray, and if so The player could give up the diamonds they found mining with that player.

Yes, The guest should tell a staff member about what happened, if so they would have more of a chance to get unbanned if banned in an appeal effort, While if not banned it shows to staff that they are trustworthy.

Now, I've been staff before on servers and have caught xrayers before, From your story the guest didn't know player 2 was xraying but, as staff I would not know he didn't know. So here is What I would do if the guest told me about the diamonds and if he didn't: If they did I would understand that they almost had no realization about the xray, and I would proceed with a Warning. (and ask for all the diamond gear and balance to be reset) If I wasn't told I would use coreprotect to see the xray, from player two and see all the diamonds that The guest mined. I would proceed to Ban the player with No Appeal.

Next Scenario: A new guest logs in for the first time, they don't read the rules, they don't even try to do the quiz correctly and proceed to correctly finish the quiz after an hour of getting it wrong. They then see in chat about people talking about fly and decide to buy vip 2. After purchase they realize that did not want vip 2 due to them using their parent's CreditCard. The Player then decides to come to /Warp Trident where TwilightCo's Best build services are located, and then see a vip3 person building in /d llama. The player then thinks they have /d llama and after realizing they don't, they grief the build they just saw the /d disguise making. The vip 3 making the area then starts panickin g and Starts spamming in all caps about how they are being griefed. (The vip3 throws some words around at the player)

IF you were an admin,
Do you ban the vip 2 for griefing first
Do you mute the vip 3?
Do you Ban both?
IF you were a regular member watching this happen and there were no admins on, what would you do?
IF you were the vip3 in this situation what would you do?
If you were the vip 2 in this situation, What would you do?

Sorry about all the grammar errors by the way Tongue
Well if I was an admin in this situation, I would first tell the VIP 3 person to calm down first. Afterwards, I would ask the VIP 2 why he was grieving this player's build. Even if he did try to give a good answer, I would still van him with no appeal chance, since he should've read the rules first anyways. Afterwards, I would roll back the vip 3 player's build but give them a warning about the caps spam.

Now, if I was just a regular player, I would first ask the Vip 3 to chill out. Next, I would ask the vip 2 person why he was griefing, all while taking screenshots of the conversation. I would then report the screenshots to staff on discord.

If I were the vip 3, I would first cool down fr spamming caps. Next, I would take screenshots of the grief, and then ask the VIP 2 player why he wanted to grief me. I would proceed to tell staff about the griefer on the discord immediately, and then hope for the best.

Lastly, if I was the vip 2 player, i would stop greifing since someone is freaking out about something. I would then proceed to take my punishment and get perma-bamned, as well as talk my irl punishment for using my parent's card without permission.

(I'm not good at making scenarios, someone else make one xD)
oof ok, Uh So (Pretend we're in 1.13) Theres this water block lag infinite water source grief technique so basically if you have a water logged fenceand make a flying machine that moves the fence posts creating infiniate water blocks across the world. Pretend someone uses this technique across the whole server from sky up covering the whole server in water, What do you do as a player? As a Staff? As the griefer? (Water is very hard to roll back)
Well in that situation, I think, first, we perma-ban the offender. That level of grief goes beyond "oops" or any level of apology. Next, Staff would have to consider the best way to reverse the situation and go from there. As a player, I would screen shot everything, also making a log of my important items on hand (in the event of a server wide roll back) and open a txt file to log anything I have lost in the attack. As the griefer, if I were a smug punk, I would probably gloat on some MC chat site. However, at the same time, I might wanna think about hiding and staying of MC servers all together for a while. Damage like that has a way of getting told down the pipes to other servers so they can be warned about that player/ip.
Just enough of a Bastard to be worth liking.

A player invites an irl friend to the server. Their friend starts calling by their name, not ign, in chat. The player asks their friend to stop and they don't.
[Image: P4HqY8y.png]
A player invites a friend to the server, and then said friend gets banned. you later get said friends account to use as your own alt.. does the main user get banned since your alt is banned too?
"Permit my hazard into your plight. Once life sucked, now 'tis alright?" -Epros, Okage Shadow King


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