09-14-2019, 09:31 AM
I think someone said this earlier. i feel like starter houses (ie dirt, or planks) that are small with like nothing in it or very little and a player hasn't been on in a while should be removed. For example say a person has a build that is taking time to build and then suddenly notice that a very small wood/dirt structure popped out of nowhere. the owned of wood/dirt structure had nothing in it and haven't been in in a while. Since there build was technically a 100 blocks away they could could no longer build out. it would suck to be stopped by a what could count as a legal build but is prohibiting another builder from building. Maybe a rule where a dirt/wood house can only exist for 2 weeks? and an actual house is noted by 2 double chest, 2 furnace, a crafting bench. and maybe it looks relatively nice? This is more for when the server becomes more establish. like a late game rule. When people are stating to make their large build in like 2 months. Cause i know everyone early game are gonna be living in dirt or or in small wood houses.