on Air-Santa Sleigh
1. the coordinates of your build: XYZ 14949.220/84.50000/14539.569 ( old world)
2. the rough size of your build (length x width x height): 13x5x5
3. the coordinates of where you would like your build moved to: XYZ -4313.852 / 81.03152 / -1228.274
4. Move Facing: East ( the head of the rein deer should face east)
1. the coordinates of your build: XYZ 14949.220/84.50000/14539.569 ( old world)
2. the rough size of your build (length x width x height): 13x5x5
3. the coordinates of where you would like your build moved to: XYZ -4313.852 / 81.03152 / -1228.274
4. Move Facing: East ( the head of the rein deer should face east)