01-09-2024, 12:32 AM
Ok round 2 take to lol ok we have rules of no spam in place beacus answor1 it’s not vary nice beacus what if you talk over someone in chat answer2 to reduce lag answor3 just beacus you can spam dose not mean you should answor4 I should just listen to the no spam rule no matter if I think it’s a good rule or bad rule answor5 players don’t like spammers too much so I should just listened to that rule so admins and mods and guardians and players like me for that too answor6 I’m sure a lot of players or not a lot know that a goal of mine is to one day reach admin but I can’t do that if I don’t listen to rules sooo I should Listen to the no spam rule answor7 spammers like I was like I was are annoying answer8 to be unbanned I gatta listen and as I see I have not been vary good at that so promises I cross my heart that I will never spam again and if I do, you can permanently banned me thanks for reading and I hope this is enough to get un banned