My YouTube channel!
Server you were banned on (SMP): Hometown MC
Minecraft name: TheRatBurger
Reason for your ban: Greifing
Who banned you: LexSux
Why should you be unbanned: Look, I am very,very sorry. I promise to not grief and to be nice. You can take away some of my stuff if you want or all my money. I will help Frost the founder with things; Mining, Building, etc. Also I am an owner of a shop that cant run itself and people can break my home which is near it if they feel it.

Why do you want to come back: My friends and I love this server and it is the best. if I don't come back all my friends will be sad. we have had a fun time on Hometown and I am sad to leave this server. Please help me and let me go back. My friends are almost nothing without me (don't tell them I said that)and some stuff I need to right. Look, Lex, im really sorry and i promise it will never happen again. Also, I remodeled the store on accident and didnt mean to. Please do reconsider, it was a dare made by my friend Diego who made me do this. Btw Lex, you need to get protection on that shop.