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TheRatBurger Ban Appeal
(06-06-2016, 01:13 PM)Lex Wrote: Honestly, I was going to unban you until I read the last post you made. If you are that easily influenced, why should I trust you enough to unban you? And again, still lacking an apology.
Look, he gave me a very good reason to do so (he'd say to everyone  I did/am three things, 1. that i scream like a girl {I don't} 2. that  I look like a kid {I don't} and 3. that i suck at building even though I do)
Look, I'm really, really sorry and I'm not easily influenced by anyone. No one bosses me around. I try to do my best every day and make the world, or Minecraft world, a good or better place. I am, again, really REALLY sorry and please, you can take some of my stuff.
There... Sad I fixed it... hope you find time to look at it...
1. What you did was not an accident, it was definitely intentional.
2. I do not need to get protection stones for my shop, you just shouldn't grief.
3. Doing something because of a dare might just be one of the worst excuses I have heard.
4. If you can agree to not grief again, even if it is unprotected or for a "dare", I will unban you.
Any form of grief for any reason will not be tolerated here. Got it?
[Image: co44lLl.gif]

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