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WorldEdit Request Thread
looking to move my fence and some blocks in the old world

current location Coordinates: -1597 106 -5686, goldblock and  -1677 64 -5962 gold block
Rough Size (LxHxW): 81x143x277
to the new coords -1593 106 -5679 sponge and -1673 64 -5955 wetsponge.

[Image: cc833075603a2f3df08b3bb2cb332fb2c13098d2.jpg]
1block2 approved and completed
- KatNip
1. the coordinates where we can find your build,
New world 9514,90,2049
2. the rough size of your build (5 x 3 x 17) I have marked the top of it with a golden rectangle. It's the whole redstone machine.
3. the coordinates of where you would like your build moved to
(9516, 90, 2050) I have marked the new location with a golden rectangle on the ground

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