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Move the fuck over I'm trying to not pay attention
You are 300 feet underwater and realize you have no air left
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I die like a boss
You find yourself trying to make a perfect internet meme. What will you do?
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-Forum dwelling since 2015!
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Slap a picture of my mother and use bold white writing to say something sassy.
Why are you eating the table?
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07-02-2016, 03:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-02-2016, 03:36 AM by TheNamesGames.)
Table? I tought this was a chair... Jk, lemme think... Cuz i spill sugar on it
Its a zombie apocalypse and you have no weapons, food or safe place to go. All you have is a flu.
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Time to steal Alicia Clark (From Fear the Walking Dead) and get on the move to survive~
You're out in public, you bend over, and you hear a loud ripping noise, so you...
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(Um, Alicia is my girlfriend, bye.)
Hope that I'm wearing cute underwear.
The person you idolize is standing in front of you...
I have a new girlfriend now
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kidnap them and force them to be my bf.
Someone ate your food in the fridge, and it was good left overs. So you decide to...
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Punch everything in the face till i find the one who stole it. Then ill kill him, get new leftovers and enjoy my meal.
It is a friday night and your frineds invite to a party. But you alao have about sevenhundredsixtysixthousandfourhundredseventyfour exams on monday. What do you do?
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be like fuck dis and go to the party with the exams and do them in a inflatable lilo in the pool.
You have 2 hours left to survive and all you have is a circle pane of glass. what do you do?
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Joined: Jun 2016
Use the glass to cut Frost's neck and then drink the blood until your thirst has been fulfilled. Don't dispose of the rest of the blood. Drain it into a bag and send the bad to the hospital to be given to people with different blood types so they die too. Use their blood for people with Frost's blood type. Bring all the bodies to an anvil and bash their skulls into each other with a hammer. You do not need the rest of the bodies. You can feed those to the wolves. With the one skull, attach it to a stick no longer than 1.5 meters but no shorter than 1.2 meters. Bring your skull stick on a plane. This part may be difficult. I good strategy would be to use your bulldozer to quietly drill a hole through the wall to bypass airport security. Once on the plane leaving for France, take the skull stick out of your pocket and point it at the pilot. If he doesn't open the cockpit to let you in, try the copilot. If neither of them let you in, it means you didn't use enough skulls when u were bashing them into each other. Ask the passengers if they would volunteer to join your skull stick. At least 40% should agree. A plane should have at least 50 people so you should get 20 more human skulls for your stick. If it doesn't have 50 people, the plane ticket you bought was bad and you should try to turn the plane back to the airport to ride a bigger plane. Using the passenger heads and the on-board anvil, bash the 20 heads into the stick too. Now the captain is sure to open the door and let you in when you show him your head trophy. Once in the cockpit, drop the luggage. It weighs you down and you don't need it. You can get rid of your stick too. Just make sure it falls into the ocean and not on land. We don't want it to fall on anyone. Now with your light plane, fly into outerspace. Seal the doors with saliva from the passengers' mouths. Fly to the sun. Turn on light speed. It should take only a few minutes. When you get to the sun, you will be out of fuel. Ask the passengers to get out of the plane and grab some coal floating around. When they have it, put it into the fuel tank. Wait for it to become night and then land on the sun. Repopulate the sun at night and then get off at day because thats when it gets hot. Leave the children on the sun to become gods when they grow up. Keep traveling through space. When you find aliens with blue feet and purple toes, try to talk to them. They speak English. Call me with your phone. Your phone will still have signal becuase you will be using their cell towers. They are my family.
Where is my family?