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Situation and how you response to it
(07-06-2016, 03:14 PM)Salak Wrote: Use the glass to cut Frost's neck and then drink the blood until your thirst has been fulfilled. Don't dispose of the rest of the blood. Drain it into a bag and send the bad to the hospital to be given to people with different blood types so they die too. Use their blood for people with Frost's blood type. Bring all the bodies to an anvil and bash their skulls into each other with a hammer. You do not need the rest of the bodies. You can feed those to the wolves. With the one skull, attach it to a stick no longer than 1.5 meters but no shorter than 1.2 meters. Bring your skull stick on a plane. This part may be difficult. I good strategy would be to use your bulldozer to quietly drill a hole through the wall to bypass airport security. Once on the plane leaving for France, take the skull stick out of your pocket and point it at the pilot. If he doesn't open the cockpit to let you in, try the copilot. If neither of them let you in, it means you didn't use enough skulls when u were bashing them into each other. Ask the passengers if they would volunteer to join your skull stick. At least 40% should agree. A plane should have at least 50 people so you should get 20 more human skulls for your stick. If it doesn't have 50 people, the plane ticket you bought was bad and you should try to turn the plane back to the airport to ride a bigger plane. Using the passenger heads and the on-board anvil, bash the 20 heads into the stick too. Now the captain is sure to open the door and let you in when you show him your head trophy. Once in the cockpit, drop the luggage. It weighs you down and you don't need it. You can get rid of your stick too. Just make sure it falls into the ocean and not on land. We don't want it to fall on anyone. Now with your light plane, fly into outerspace. Seal the doors with saliva from the passengers' mouths. Fly to the sun. Turn on light speed. It should take only a few minutes. When you get to the sun, you will be out of fuel. Ask the passengers to get out of the plane and grab some coal floating around. When they have it, put it into the fuel tank. Wait for it to become night and then land on the sun. Repopulate the sun at night and then get off at day because thats when it gets hot. Leave the children on the sun to become gods when they grow up. Keep traveling through space. When you find aliens with blue feet and purple toes, try to talk to them. They speak English. Call me with your phone. Your phone will still have signal becuase you will be using their cell towers. They are my family.

Where is my family?

What in the world did i just read? Well i have to admit, that text is somethong you dont see everyday. Best. Response  text. Ever. 

For the question, definetly not in a secret cave filled with space creatures from the deepest of the deep trashcans.
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 
You have: A badger, A staple gun and a Candle. What do you do?
Take the candle and stick it up the badgers ass. then, when its dinnertime feed him some beans so he gets gassy. Then, since you cant sleep without a light (cause your a living brick ofc) wait for the badger to fart so that the candle lights up, then he should start running around the room and set everything on fire. There now you have a light. in the morning there should be a burnt badger somewhere in your room. Eat that for breakfast. after breakfast go outside and look for some bucketheads (trust me there are plenty around) and kidnap one of them, after that you should keep him hostage until he tell you were to find more badgers. Then, take the candle from your burnt badger the night before and stick it in the bucketheads buckethead. light the candle with your own farts. the bucket should start to melt on his head, after the bucket is fully melted you can now mold the bucketheads dead body into a sword. After you have done such, continue to do that to all of the bucketheads but do NOT make them into swords. You should instead save their metal to build a giant bus. After you have build your bus use a staple from your staple gun to staple some seat down so that people are comfortable. after you got people on your bus, overcharge them all and keep their money. after that, kill them by injecting staples into their skulls. now you have food for a week. continue to do this until you get bored of human flesh. you should crash your bus at this point so that only you survive. You will be seriously injured now and should go to a hospital. Every time a nurse comes in you should attempt to hug her for being so nice. While she is coming in for the hug, take your take gun and eject a staple into her skull. After you are done feasting on her you should hide her in your closet. Do this until you are healed. When you get release the hospital staff will have found the body and will be looking for you. You should have your sword wielded at all times now. When a police car comes after you should wield your sword and kill the cop. eat the dunkin doughnuts  he had for lunch, drink some coffee as well. take the cop car and cruise around till you find another dunkin doughnuts and use the cops money to buy 10 dozen doughnuts. take control of that dunkin doughnuts branch by killing them all. Make a steady flow of money over  a period of 3 years. you should have around $10 million in tips and $20 million more in actual money made. Buy a nice house for yourself (and maybe a razor as you haven't shaved in 3 years) Go for a road trip and find  a highway stop. take over this the same way you did with the dunkin doughnuts. Continue these steps until you are take over the White House (assuming you live in america, if not just take over the leaders palace). After you are the leader of your country, take a extended vacation and go to another one. Repeat the steps after stealing the cop car until you have taken over the world.

You are now the leader of the world, what is your first order?
Hail me, HAIL ME!!!!

Diagnosis: you will die in 4 days!
-0,0 days without a sh*tpost

-Forum dwelling since 2015! 
Go do everything you never had the guts to do (I'm not writing a freaking 2 and a half paragraph answer for this one lol)

What do you do if a bucket head asks you for a cookie?
Run. Run as fast as you can.

You have 3 people in front of you;

The one on the far left is a fat male with several tattoos and a bad cough.
The one in the middle of the room is an elderly lady that has never seen the light of happiness.
The last one on the right is a struggling man trapped in kidnap bag.
Each person is masked. But can see you.

One of them murdered your best friend. To your left is a control panel that can either fill the room with toxic gas or electrocute each person (not you).

Or on your right is a large candle and a sachet of gunpowder that has a fuse attached to it. (Basically a bomb with a fuse)

However: The room is sealed with no way out. On the control panel, you may only pick one button, both of which have no markings and are identical. But the candle bomb has a 15 second delay and creates a 1m x 1m blast.

The room is 3m x 3m.

Read this thoroughly and make your decision. What will you do?
Nitro, your question stumped everyone and killed the thread

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