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ban appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP):i was banned from hometown

Minecraft name: lostburrythedog

Reason for your ban: theft

Who banned you: rowebot

Why should you be unbanned: if i am unbanned this will be my final time for being banned i promise and i feel really bad about taking all the iron blocks and beacon. if i am unbanned. i should not have touched the items that were not mine and yes i see what i did was wrong i should've just left the tnt and iron blocks and beacon alone i will now this for the next time. one thing i will say is this is the only 2 times i did this i did not steal from anyone else so i promise if you need to check the logs or whatever it is i can spare you the trouble and just tell you. the reason i took the iron blocks was because i needed the iron and i should have done the smart thing and just went mining for the iron instead of taking the items that belonged to someone else. i cant tell you where i got the iron blocks and beacons from but i know i got it from just doing /rand thats the only way i could have found it 
i will be honest i did find like crops from other people and i did take them and did the smart thing and replanted cause i did not want to get in trouble for stealing. what would that be stealing if i replant what i took? anyway if you unban me i will give you the iron blocks and beacon so they can be destroyed once and for all. i just hope this has helped me see what i did wrong and i know i can change how im acting now so i can have more fun on hometown for ever and for all the time to come 

Why do you want to come back: cause i wish to set my horrible actions aside and get to comeback to the server so i can have fun and expand my little village that i have started with my friends thank you for reading my claim and i hope you think about it my good admins and moderators of hometown

and a little info about me is that this was once my friends account. i did not get this until 4/24/16 when my friend gave me his account so thats why there is all those name changes im so sorry man
I need to know your in-game name -- I cannot find a match for lostburrythedog in my logs and screenshots. Even our /seen command does not know lostburrythedog.

How long ago were you banned. I have banned only one person on the new HT world for beacon's and lostburrythedog is not the name. Was this on the old world?
Never-mind, another staff pointed me to https://namemc.com/profile/lostburrythedog, aka homefireboy, aka kinglostburry, aka sweetiebella, aka justindurk2.

I have records of homefireboy taking a beacon, iron block pyramid under the beacon and tnt plus other stuff from a ship. And I have not gone through your block-break and container transaction logs carefully yet. I just sampled them to determine if you stole enough to be banned without appeal. I will be looking at the logs for your aliases as well before I decide whether to unban you.

Your ban appeal lacks effort on the core 3 questions to answer (what wrong, why wrong, should've done). The ban template states:

"2. Use effort: Moderators want to unban you, but not unless you actually put some effort into trying to get unbanned. Write a detailed appeal explaining what you did wrong, why it was wrong, and what you should've done instead. Make us want to unban you. One or two sentences makes us want to deny your appeal."

Post a new reply in this thread with an updated ban appeal.

You wrote one sentence about what you did wrong, I want to know what you stole from where -- you missed the tnt from a boat -- did you miss other things I have not found yet that you did under any alias? Because if I find them later, you are banned permanently -- we don't give blanket amnesties on ban appeals.

You wrote another sentence that stealing is wrong. But you did not write what you should've done instead.

The rest of your appeal is promising to re compensate the victim -- that has already been done -- we rolled all the stuff back. If you are unbanned, then you must give me all the stuff you stole. I will destroy it.

But you have to convince me that we can trust you not to offend again -- 2 short sentences and unneeded promises to re-compensate the victim are not good enough.

By the way, "i will try to never ever steal things from people again" -- "try to" is not convincing. "Try" means I will have to watch you closely and ban you later anyway -- why should I bother? And the frequent name changes are not convincing.
thanks dude but i think i may have fixed it to your liking but please i know what i did wrong and i want to start anew and forget this even happened
The appeal is much better. You are unbanned but I need you to put the iron, beacon, TNT and other things taken from the boat in a chest with a sign saying "for Rowebot" asap.

If you have a home somewhere, put the chest there, I will find it. If you don't have a home, put it near the horse corral at /warp meadows -- note that area is private, only put the chest+sign there, do not change anything else. Don't bother putting the crops you took in the chest. I will check against the logs of what you took and mail you in game if you missed something. If you don't do this after being on the server again for several days, you will be banned again.

Taking crops from people where you do not have permission is theft on this server. I keep my crops mature and unharvested until I need them. If you just harvested then replanted my crops then I have to wait for them to mature -- loss of my game time.

For free crops, go to /warp publicfarm -- that is one of the farms that is open to the public -- you are free to take what you need as long as you replant.

I looked into the name changing mechanism more and now understand why people would like changing names -- not something I would think of. And our ban mechanism tracks a separate UID -- it is just that you changed your name one more time after the ban and our server never saw the new name to know which UID it belonged to.

You can also get iron from /warp JellyIron if no one else is using it. This floats above publicfarm (_JELLy__ created both). He sells iron there but you can also afk in the pool there and take the iron that comes in to the first labelled chest. Jelly takes the other 1/2 that is produced in the other chest that you cannot open. Do not steal the iron there if someone is afk in the pool.

You can make money to buy a beacon by voting (/vote) and by selling stuff to /warp shop. You can also work for someone or sell items directly to people. Making a beacon is no fun -- I had to ask for help in fighting the wither for my one beacon -- lost 6 sets of diamond armor and weapons fighting him. And I have /fly -- bought VIP3 a long time ago.

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