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Plan For Warp Jellyiron2, Jellygold2
We all know I cannot enforce a time limit on my public farms effectively, Players will afk sleep and it will not change. Instead, I am inclined to build another copy of each of gold and iron farm if I have resources supporting such builds. 

That includes:
  • For jellygold2, 7300 obsidian, Or alternatively manpower hauling lava buckets from nether and water casting them in. Also 1 dchest of stone. 
  • For jellyiron2, a clear land without doors, 270 villagers bred, and 4 dchests of stone. The mob I hate the most in MC are villagers, unless someone wants to breed them, jellyiron2 will never happen. 

For jellygold2, the 50/50 share still applies, 50% goes to me and 50% to you. This might change depends on how much gold I get from jellygold. 

However, for Jellyiron2, I will prepare 2 afk spots for 2 players to afk at once. 50% for each player. If there's only 1 player in, then the other 50% goes to me, by redstone magic. 

If you wanna see this happen, don't just donate me stone, I need obsidian and villager breeders and man power, for the greater good.
Just something I thought up, but if you wanted to enforce an AFK limit, how about attaching a timer to the AFK spot that pulls away the floor and sends the player into a water stream leading away to a safe holding cell once their time is up? Perhaps every time the player makes a loop and refreshes the chest redstone, it increments a counter that eventually ejects them, then resets itself and allows the next user to enter?

For the gold farms, I suppose this would be less viable.
I would breed villagers for you at my house but the last I checked I was over 4000 blocks away from places like /warp ray and about the same for /warp villagers. So yeah, if you can get some villagers to my house I'll breed them for you
Arrei, I thought of that already, but what I cannot do is to prevent players re-warping immediately and resetting their timer. Also, How would I put their resources aside immediately after timer expiring? It is quite hard to accomplish.
I have an idea for that resources problem. Maybe, after the timer is up, some pistons push hoppers under the afk chest and leads them down to the "safe holding cell"
(09-14-2016, 02:28 AM)_JELLy__ Wrote: Arrei, I thought of that already, but what I cannot do is to prevent players re-warping immediately and resetting their timer. Also, How would I put their resources aside immediately after timer expiring? It is quite hard to accomplish.

Hmm, didn't consider the resource claiming. For the iron farm at least, perhaps their share of the drops should simply go into droppers that fire the items into the AFK stream? Implementing a time limit should mean filling their inventory isn't an issue. Using a comparator to only trigger the dropper when it has items in it.

As for re-warping, that wouldn't address that, true, but it'd stop the people who just leave their character for hours while they go do something else, at least, which is the much more common occurrence, I'd assume.
Sleep afk is much more common, and I can't really do much about that. Getting the timer to trigger correctly is quite hard. How would I know if another player comes? I can't. The system, i imagine, will be easy to trick, one simly has to act like another player entering the farm to refresh the term.
Use a max limit of drops in a small container being read by a comparator to drop out afk players -- use something like a hopper (9 stacks) or single chest fed by a hopper chain.

Have the container at the drop out exit point BUT feed the loot to the afk'ed player through a dispenser until the container signals empty. Then use a dispensed water stream to push them out of the building. People who want to leave early can hit a button to be dropped as though they reached the limit. If they leave the game or warp/home out then loot is forfeit and logic drains the container.

Have multiple afk pools connected in line where you sense a person in a pool and cause the entrance to close until the person leaves. That way people can afk to get in and once in the last pool get loot, reach their limit, have loot dispensed to them and get kicked out of the building.

In theory you can have multiple exit points and loot destinations. An exit point is not available until the loot is removed either by the player or by a timer removing it to forfeited storage.

Final puzzle is to stop people from doing /sethome inside.

But you could be diabolical and setup a multiplayer afk circling pool with multiple dispensers shooting loot in in opposite rotation to the water flow for the nearest player to automatically pick up. Let as many players crowd in as they want. No more chest thefts to deal with.

Be wasteful, if all players have full inventories then the loot despawns Smile

Or don't be wasteful. Collect the circling loot at one spot by hopper and shoot it in again but use hopper overflow to divert any excess.

Either way, a player arriving finds the pool filled with loot to pickup by circling a few times and does not have to afk for long. Anyone afk'ing for a long time gets a full inventory but wastes time otherwise. If they empty their inventory and return, they can get more loot but others get loot too.
I Have Just found a system that works.
something i hate a lot is the fact that people are getting dubs of iron blocks for free at your farms, and iron's now considered an almost useless resource.

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