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Another Player's Building
To a staff member,

I'm a regular on HomeTown and a player by the name of Wolfgang3530 had asked for some andesite a few months ago and me, being a nice person had let his mine of of it from my land, sadly I don't have any screenshots of the conversation because i didn't think anything of it. As I logged on today I went to the top of my house and found structures by the player. He had started building structures near my home which upset me, I didn't want him to live near me, I was just lending him some blocks. He had built near 100 blocks and I want him gone. He is invading my land and he isn't on for me to tell him to move. He had a total of four structures being a bridge, the start of two houses and a platform next to a cliff. It appears he is allowing other players to come on too, and some of the screenshots I can't enter because they exceed the maximum number of kilobytes. I would wish to move his buildings or him to leave, I am flexible with anything. Please help me, and thank you for taking to the time read this message.

-Tonyunderminer (ign)
U can find the chat logs by pressing start searching %appdata% clicking enter going into .minecraft and somewhere in there

Sent from my SM-J320FN using Tapatalk
Just notify an [Enforcer] [Mod] or [Admin] and they will check it out and help you
I had tried logging on twice to get one's help but none were on when I got on. I have been getting on at about 8-9 AM EST
Okay, situation is fixed now, I got an enforcer by the name of _Zilo__ to help me, thank you for reading this!

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