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Mob Cap/Spawn Rate
Yes, I guess I'm the only one caring about this issue, but the server always has some mob cap/spawn rate problems.

What I imagine is that the spawn rate gets divided between each player, so mobs spawn 1/x as often if there are x players online. 

Furthermore, the mob cap is a problem too. Suppose A and B are online, and those two together has a mob cap of 100. If B is afk, then whenever A kills off mobs, some portion will spawn in B's area, and stay loaded forever or until they despawn, which takes a long time. The result is incredibly low spawn rate for A, having to wait for mobs to despawn from around afking players which reduces mob count below the cap. To support my claim, I observed that my witch farm spawns 4 witches soon after sunrise, when skeletons, zombies are burned to death and the mob cap is temporarily not reached. Then afterwards, no spawns occurred until the next sunrise. 

Another case: guardian farms gets 0 spawns at off peak times (late at night for most people) when people are obviously sleep-afking. To support my case - that the afking players are to blame, the 0-spawn guardian farms (which is every guardian farm) come back to life immediately after a server restart (which kicked all the afkers). 

Also, as side note, I strongly believe lower render distances has lower mob caps. 

I've been trying to farm naturally spawned hostile mobs without much success. Some bad days I get 0 spawns. Is there a way to set up a system that multiplies the mob cap or spawn rate by cx (c=<1) for x players online?
This would be incredibly helpful as I have a hostile mob farm that is pretty much completely useless.

Also I can definitely verify the whole no guardians spawning before a server restart for whatever reason it may be, so would be awesome if this issue can be fixed is possible.
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