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i got really mad and wrote this really mean post because i got banned for being a smart ass in chat. i was bragging about how i am too smart to follow rules because my superior intellect allows me to find loopholes in those rules which i am above because i religiously watch ted talk videos @ 1.5x speed

*edit courtesty of frost
glad to see that you care about us so much that you went and wrote a whole essay dedicated to us. i’m touched.
[Image: g2NnfopJTvWZE_YwIlgVCA.png]
Human embodiment of Murphy’s Law, at your service!
[Image: unknown.png?width=957&height=472]
[Image: unknown.png]

[Image: unknown.png]

[Image: unknown.png]

[Image: unknown.png]

[Image: unknown.png]

As you can see from the screenshots, you were just here to stir more drama and invite arguments.  You then asked to get banned after saying a bunch of stuff.
I don't know what they're talking about, cliques?? It's not like I'm the captain of the nerds or like, a varsity shitposter or something
Human embodiment of Murphy’s Law, at your service!
......I always thought frost was the captain of the nerds?!?

[Image: 7bNhSIS.png]
A few things I see on this thread that I can agree and disagree with.

First, the guys main point. I agree that staff on this server sometimes under explain stuff or don't at all. If someone asks a question they don't have an answer to they usually just stay silent instead of explaining they don't know to clear up the players confusion. Not saying this happens all the time, but it happens pretty often and I'm guessing it's because staff members are caught up in a discord call and don't notice the chat all the time. There's also the case that they're possibly handling another problem... but in which case the staff should at least try to say "Can't talk right now, dealing with someone else" instead of waiting until they get to the player after making them wait a while to tell them that they were previously occupied.

Second, I disagree with how this guy got mad and instead of thinking reasonably he let his annoyance get to him and tried to be as annoying to the staff as he thought possible. Come on man, you have to be patient if you want to end your enemies!

Third, I disagree with how Frost you cropped the screenshots... I've been banned/muted/nearly muted from servers for cropped screenshots hiding small details before, and I've seen the same happen to other players, so it always bothers me when someone uses cropped shots as proof.

Fourth, I disagree with how I'm even typing this up. I should be doing work- but here I am procrastinating by typing this stuff up lol
(04-15-2018, 08:19 PM)xHerobrine Wrote: A few things I see on this thread that I can agree and disagree with.

First, the guys main point. I agree that staff on this server sometimes under explain stuff or don't at all. If someone asks a question they don't have an answer to they usually just stay silent instead of explaining they don't know to clear up the players confusion. Not saying this happens all the time, but it happens pretty often and I'm guessing it's because staff members are caught up in a discord call and don't notice the chat all the time. There's also the case that they're possibly handling another problem... but in which case the staff should at least try to say "Can't talk right now, dealing with someone else" instead of waiting until they get to the player after making them wait a while to tell them that they were previously occupied.

Second, I disagree with how this guy got mad and instead of thinking reasonably he let his annoyance get to him and tried to be as annoying to the staff as he thought possible. Come on man, you have to be patient if you want to end your enemies!

Third, I disagree with how Frost you cropped the screenshots... I've been banned/muted/nearly muted from servers for cropped screenshots hiding small details before, and I've seen the same happen to other players, so it always bothers me when someone uses cropped shots as proof.

Fourth, I disagree with how I'm even typing this up. I should be doing work- but here I am procrastinating by typing this stuff up lol

The person who made this thread is the same person in those screenshots. The screenshots were not unfairly cropped (and Frost didn't even crop them, someone else sent them to him), and it wasn't anything staff did, they literally joined with the sole and explicit goal of "I am just here to piss you off". Lastly, your first point - often times if a player is right in their explanation, we let them explain it. And it's not that if we don't know something we don't answer it, we might've just not seen it, or no staff are online/active, I know I go afk without warning intermittently when I'm on. I can't speak for other staff when I'm not online to see, but I'm pretty sure they're good about answering things or saying they're busy if they're dealing with someone else.
Human embodiment of Murphy’s Law, at your service!
Even if a staff member knows that screenshots weren't unfairly cropped, it isn't the same for anyone else who doesn't know that. As I said, it's just bothersome since it can lead to small conflicts. Also I should say that the staff members I see not responding are usually of Guardian rank. I see some Mods sometimes do it, but that's because they are AFK entirely, same for higher ranks. Staff members of higher ranks are pretty good at answering questions so I don't have much problems up there I guess

Oh one thing I do question is how higher staff ranks decide to ban players, like how many questions they ask the player in question and etc. I've seen so many ban appeals and I can only imagine how many players were banned and didn't bother making an appeal. I haven't seen a player get banned personally, but I feel like something has to be going on for so many bans to take place recently. Really, I'm just amazed at how many there are.
I know I am guilty of not answering questions I don't know the answer to. I do sometimes say that I don't know, but I always thought that its better maybe to not answer than to have a full screen of I don't know's show up. I am not staff but I do try to help as many others do when a question is asked.
I would like to know from others though, is it better to answer that you don't know the answer, or to not say anything at all?

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