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Ban - Appeal
Server you were banned on (SMP/Discord): SMP

Minecraft name: Ghost123Swe

Reason for your ban: Griefing

Who banned you: Steasaur

Why should you be unbanned: It was a big mistake to steal someones bed, I know. It's wrong to take or destroy anything from someones house, because they have put effort in it. I should never have destroyed the bed and I should've least placed the bed back. But I think everyone deserves a second chance, and I learned from my mistake.

Why do you want to come back: I put down lots of time and soul into Hometown and I really enjoyed playing on it. I know I made a mistake, but I want to make up for it. If it does any matter, I will return the bed to the house. I learned from this that it's never okay to brek anything on someones house, even if it seems abandonned.
You weren't banned for taking a bed, I actually hadn't found that grief.

You were banned for taking multiple diamond blocks from /warp moop.

Please update your appeal accordingly and I'll take another look.
“Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never ever eat pears!”

“Always try to be nice but never fail to be kind!”

“Laugh hard, run fast, be kind... “

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